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Walk in interview in CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICINAL & AROMATIC PLANTS | Require Project Assistant of Different level / Research Interns / Research Associate (Projects) - more than 40 posts

Clinical research courses

CIMAP (CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICINAL & AROMATIC PLANTS) is committed to provide global standards for plant based research, processes and products using green technology mode while generating an ambience of team spirit, development of research and technology, expertise and human resource and modernization of infrastructure to ensure sustained clientele from agriculture, society and industry.

Eligible and interested candidates may attend the Interview for engagement for purely temporary basis as Project Assistant of Different level / Research Interns / Research Associate (Projects) total positions more than 40 (Forty) on contract basis in the Projects under CSIR Network Scheme, Grant-in-aid Projects and Other projects sponsored by Govt. Agencies for the forthcoming Five Year Plan tenable at Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow in various disciplines detailed as under:

Schedule of the Interview



Date of interview


Biology (Life Science/ Botany/ Environmental Science/ Plant Science/ Biotechnology/ Animal Sciences/ Pharmaceutical Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Bioinfomnatics/ Microbiology).

25th July 2012


Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy/Soil Science/Plant Breeding/ Pathology/ Microbiology/Agricultural Chemistry/Botany/ Environmental Science/ Agriculture Economics)

26th July 2012


Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry/ Natural Product Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Synthetic Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / M Pharma / BE or BTech in Chemical Engineering /Petrochemical Engineering ).

27th July 2012


Computer Sciences / Geo-infprmatics / Remote Sensing /Information Technology/ BTech/MCA / MScwith PG Diploma in Remote sensing & GIS or equivalent

27th July 2012

The Details of Qualification & Age limit are given below.

SI. No.



Maximum Age Limit

Stipend per month


Project Assistant Level-I

1st Class B.Sc. or equivalent in relevant area

28 Years

8,000/- pm(Fixed)


Project Assistant Level-ll

1st Class M.Sc. or equivalent in relevant area

28 Years

12,000/- pm(Fixed)


Project Assistant Level-Ill

1st Class M.Sc. or equivalent in relevant area with Two years relevant experience

32 Years

14,000/- pm(Fixed)


Research Intern

1st Class M.Sc. or equivalent in relevant area

25 Years

15,000/- pm(Fixed)


Research Associate (Projects)

PhD awarded in relevant area

35 Years

22,000/- +HRA pm (Fixed)

•   Higher start may be considered in the case of candidates who have cleared at least CSIR-UGC Lecturership (NET) or GATE (Minimum.score-85 percentile) examination.


Desirable Qualifications: Practical experience in the relevant field (as above) as evident by publications/thesis/dissertation

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Terms & Conditions:
•   For Project Assistant Level- I/ II/ III, The upper age limit as mentioned above for all the above positions will be as on Date of Interview which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities and 3 years for OBC candidates.
•   Special ago relaxation in case of Widows, Divorced women and women judicially separated from their husband is, who are not remarried as per rules.
•   The positions will be co-terminus with the Network, Grant-in-aid projects and other projects against which the stipend is offered to the candidate and are non-transferable to another Project.
•   In Case of Research Intern, The upper age limit as mentioned above will be as on Date of Interview which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities /Women/OBC.
•   In Case of Research Associate (Projects), The upper age limit as mentioned above will be as on Date of Interview which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities /Women/OBC.
•   If the number of candidates is large, a written test may be conducted to shortlist the candidate for Interview.candidate will be allowed for interview who reach the venue before 09.30 AM on the respective date of interview mentioned above in the table.

Interested candidates may appear before the Committee on the date' and time mentioned as above for the respective area/Project in the Conference Room of this Institute for interview along with their signed Bio-Data on Prescribed Performa along with original and attested copies of marksheets/certificates and a recent passport size photograph. Also giving declaration about close relatives, if any, working in CIMAP/CSIR and option for place of posting at CIMAP Hqrs., Lucknow No TA will be admissible. The complete advertisement & Application form is also available at CIMAP Website:

Kukrail, Picnic Spot Road, Lucknow-226 015

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