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Application for the post of Research Associate in National Brain Research Centre

Clinical research courses

The National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) was established by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technolgy, Government of India, in November 1997 as a fully funded autonomous research institute in the area of neuroscience and brain. The Centre was registered as an Society in June 1999 under the Registration of Societies Act.
The mandate of NBRC is pursuing basic research to understand brain function in health and disease, generating trained human resource with capability to carry out inter-disciplinary research in neuroscience, promoting neuroscience in India through networking among institutions across the country.

Post: Research Associate

Essential Qualification:
A Ph.D. degree in Life Sciences, preferably related to neuroscience. Since the project involves mammalian cell culture, biochemical and molecular biology experiments, experience in cell culture is essential. Experience in biochemical and molecular biology experiments is preferred.
*Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D thesis are also eligible to apply.
*Candidates should clearly specify whether thesis for Ph.D Degree has been submitted & viva is awaited or Ph.D Degree has been awarded, along with the date of submission of Thesis or date of award of degree, whichever is applicable.

Applications forms are available with the Academics Section, NBRC and can be collected in person free of cost or obtained through post or by courier by sending a demand draft of 50/-(non-refundable) in favor of Director, NBRC payable at Manesar/Gurgaon. Application forms can also be downloaded without any charge from the NBRC website ( under the column Application form for Research Associate
1. Interested candidates are required to go carefully through various details required to be filled in, in the application form.
2. They are also required to check the check-list given at the end of application form before they send their filled-in and signed application form.
Completed application forms in the prescribed format along with attested photocopies of all qualifications / experience certificates / list of publications, two recent signed passport size photographs and Demand Draft of 300/- [non-refundable( no fees in case of SC / ST and physically challenged candidates)] drawn in favor of Director, NBRC payable at Manesar/Gurgaon should be sent to the Registrar, National Brain Research Centre, NH-8, Manesar – 122050, Haryana with the subject line clearly stating ‘Application for Research Associate”. Incomplete Application forms will not be considered and no correspondence with such applicants shall be entertained

Fellowship :
*RA-1 - 22,000/-
*RA-2 - 23,000/-
*RA-3 - 24,000/-
Accommodation: Research Associate may be provided with suitable accommodation in lieu of H.R.A. subject to availability.

Last Date: The last date of application is August 10, 2012.

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