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Recruitment for M.Pharm to work in research project at National Institute of Nutrition

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) was founded by Sir Robert McCarrison in the year 1918 as ‘Beri-Beri’ Enquiry Unit in a single room laboratory at the Pasteur Institute, Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. Within a short span of seven years, this unit blossomed into a "Deficiency Disease Enquiry" and later in 1928, emerged as full-fledged "Nutrition Research Laboratories" (NRL) with Dr. McCarrison as its first Director. It was shifted to Hyderabad in 1958.

Eligible candidates are invited to apply for the following posts on the ad hoc research project entitled: "Toxicokinetics of Common Organophosphates Compounds in Acute Poisoning Cases". The project is funded by ICMR and executing agency is NIN.

Applications will be received from the individuals on 14th March. 2017 between 9:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M for the posts of Senior Research Fellow and Multi Tasking Staff. Applications for the post of Junior Research Fellow will be received on 15th March. 2017 between 9:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. in the Conference Hall at NIN, Tarnaka, Hyderabad for the Walk-in-Written Test/ Interview. Late applications will not be entertained after 10:30 A.M. under any circumstances. The Application form will be provided to the candidates at NIN on the date of walk-in-interview/ written test.

Senior Research Fellow
No. of vacancies : 1 post
Essential Qualifications : M. Pharm. with two years of research experience in analytical field.
Desirable : Experience in analytical field with publication.
Nature of duties : Research work in Lab at NIN and outside the Hyderabad.
Age : Upper age limit is 35 years. Age relaxation is admissible as per ICMR guidelines.
Consolidated Salary : Rs.28,000-00 + HRA p.m. fixed without any other allowances.
Tenure: Initially for one year and extendable upto 3 years as per rule.
Syllabus for written Examination: PG level.
Place of work : NIN and outside Hyderabad.

Date & Time of Written Test/ Interview : 14th March, 2017 from 10:30 AM onwards.


Junior Research Fellow
No. of vacancies :1 post
Essential Qualifications : Post Graduate Degree in Nutrition/ Environmental Science/ equivalent with NET/ equivalent qualification.
Desirable : Experience in analytical field with publication.
Nature of duties : esearch work in Lab at NIN and outside the Hyderabad.
Age : Upper age limit is 30 years. Age relaxation is admissible as per ICMR guidelines.
Consolidated Salary : Rs.25,000-00 + HRA p.m. fixed without any other allowances.
Tenure : Initially for one year and extendable upto 3 years as per rule.
Syllabus for written Examination : PG level.
Place of work : NIN and outside Hyderabad.
Date & Time of Written Test/ Interview : 15th March, 2017 from 10:30 AM onwards.

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Selection Procedure:lnterview will be conducted to the eligible candidates. However, .if more number of candidatesijbund eligible for the advertised post, written test/ skill test will also be conducted on the same day for final round of Interview.

The candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualifications (from SSC onwards), experience, Aadhar Card, OBC/ SCI ST Community and PH Certificates alongwith one set of photocopies of the same duly attested (can be self-attested) along with a passport size photograph for attending the Written Test/ Interview. The persons belonging to Other Backward Category should bring the latest O.B.C. (Non-creamy layer)

Certificate issued by the respective Tahsildar/ MRO specifically issued for the purpose of applying for Central Government Posts. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the Written Test/ Interview. The recruited project staff is eligible for leave as per rules and the selected candidate(s) will have to give an undertaking before joining.

The conditions of employment will be the same as that of the project staff on contract basis. The candidates have no right to claim for any regular employment at this Institute. The Director in-charge & Appointing Authority has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained. Age, experience etc., will be reckoned as on the date of walk-in-written test/ Interview.

Note: No electronic devices including Calculator and Mobile phones are allowed while entering NIN campus except Pen/ Pencil eraser/ writing pad in the examination Hall.

Advt. No.05/Projects/2017

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