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Recruitment for Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc (18 posts) at National Centre for Cell Science

Clinical research courses

The National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) is an autonomous institution of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, for a mandate of basic research, teaching & training, and as a national repository for cell lines/hybridomas etc. The centre is located in the midst of academically enriched environment of Savilribai Phule Pune University Campus, Pune. NCCS invites applications for following posts purely on temporary basis on the various extramural projects.

Sr No : 01- SC
Position : Scientist ‘C’
Project & PI : “Centre of Excellence in Biomolecular Structure and Function on Host- Pathogens Interactions” under supervision of Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Director
Upper Age Limit : 40 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : Ph. D/M.Tech/M.D./MVSc or equivalent degree with four years of research experience in Recombinant protein expression and purification with at least two research papers in Science citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable : We are looking for a motivated young scientist who will contribute to the project substantially and independently and should have proficiency in advanced molecular biology, biochemistry, and protein expression.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs. 53,676/- pm (Fixed)
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 02- RA
Position : Research Associate
Project & PI : “COE: Structural Perspective of Molecular Interactions in Pathogenicity: Role of Regulatory Proteins of HIV-1 and Heat Shock Proteins of M. tuberculosis ” under supervision of Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Director
Upper Age Limit : 35 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : Ph. D./MD/MS/MDS in any branch of life science or equivalent degree or having three years of research, teaching, design and development experience after MVSc/ MPharm/ME/MTech with at least one research paper in science citation indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable : We are looking for a motivated person having proficiency in advanced molecular biology, biochemistry, and protein expression and purification.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs. 36,000/- pm +30% HRA
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months


Sr No : 03- RA
Position : Research Associate
Project & PI : “COE: Cellular Stress Proteins in HIV Infection: Biochemical and Functional Characterization” under supervision of Dr. Debashis Mitra, Scientist ‘G’
Upper Age Limit : 35 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : Ph. D. in any branch of life science or having three years of research experience after MVSc/ MPharm/ME/MTech with at least one research paper in peer reviewed science citation indexed (SCI) journal
Desirable : Preference will be given to candidates with research experience in mammalian cell culture, protein expression, protein-protein interaction, molecular biology and virology or HIV biology.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs. 36,000/- pm +30% HRA
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 04- RA
Position : Research Associate
Project & PI : “COE: Structural and Functional Role of Nuclear Envelope in HIV Infections” under supervision of Dr. Radha Chauhan, Scientist ‘D’
Upper Age Limit : 35 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : Ph. D./MD/MS/MDS in any branch of life science or equivalent degree or having three years of research, teaching, design and development experience after MVSc/ MPharm/ME/MTech with at least one research paper in science citation indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable : Experience in large scale mammalian cell culture, reconstitution of multiprotein complexes, molecular biology and biochemistry is highly desirable.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs. 36,000/- pm +30% HRA
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 05- SRF
Position : Senior Research Fellow
Project & PI : “Study of biomethanation potential of landfill methanogens and their prospective role in global climate change, carbon sequestration and generation of bioenergy” under supervision of Dr. Om Prakash, Scientist ‘C’ (MCC)
Upper Age Limit : 32 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M.Sc. with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and two years of post-M.Sc. research experience. Candidate should have qualified NET/GATE/LS /BET exam.
Desirable : Experience in handling of anaerobic organisms
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs.28,000/ - pm +30% HRA for 1st , 2nd and 3rd Year.
Project Tenure :Three Years

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Sr No : 06- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI :“Cis-acting pair of novel non-coding RNAs-Ginir and Giniras in Cell growth Regulation and Transformation of mouse and human cells” under supervision of Dr. Anjali Shiras, Scientist ‘G’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable :Experience in Cell and Molecular biology and in the area of RNA biology will be preferred.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship :Rs. 25,000/- pm + 20% HRA for 1st and 2nd year
Project Tenure : One Year Six Months

Sr No : 07- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI :“Role of gamma –delta (Yo) T cells in the generation and maintenance of transplantation tolerance” under supervision of Dr. Girdhari Lal, Scientist ‘E’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable :Experience in immunological assays, flow cytometry, handling rodents, cell culture techniques and knowledge of scientific image analysis software.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship :Rs.25,000/ - pm +30% HRA for 1st & 2nd Year, Rs.28,000/ - + 30% HRA for 3rd Year.
Project Tenure : Two Years Nine Months

Sr No : 08- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI :“Multi-omics analysis to decipher mechanism of hormone resistance in breast cancer” under supervision of Dr. G. C. Kundu, Scientist ‘G’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship :Rs.25,000/ - pm +30% HRA for 1st & 2nd Year, Rs.28,000/ - + 30% HRA for 3rd Year.
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 09- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI :“Reconstitution and Structural studies of Nup93.Nup62. nip54.Nup58 ternary complex of the Nuclear Pore Complex (NPC)” under supervision of Dr. Radha Chauhan, Scientist ‘D’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable :Experience in molecular biology, biochemistry and protein purification is desirable.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship :Rs.25,000/ - pm +20% HRA
Project Tenure : Ten Months

Sr No : 10- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI :“Development of Novel Inhibitors of AKT: An Unorthodox Approach Targeting the Pleckstrin Homology Domain” under supervision of Dr. Manas Kumar Santra, Scientist ‘E’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable : Candidate should have at least one year experience in the cell culture techniques. Immunoblotting, FACS, DNA/RNA extraction.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs.25,000/ - pm +30% HRA for 1st & 2nd Year, Rs.28,000/ - + 30% HRA for 3rd Year.
Project Tenure : Two Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 11- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI : “Role of Nup 358 in the regulation of cytoplasmic mRNP granules” under supervision of Dr. Jomon Joseph, Scientist ‘E’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable : Preference will be given to applicants with experience in mammalian cell culture, molecular biology and/or cell biology techniques.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs.25,000/- pm +30% HRA for 1st & 2nd Year,
Project Tenure : Two Years

Sr No : 12- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow
Project & PI : “Understanding the role of mammalian long noncoding RNAs (Inc RNAs) in regulating cellular quiescence” under supervision of Dr. Vidisha Tripathi, Scientist ‘D’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable : Experience in Cell Culture and RNA biology is preferred.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs.27500/- pm (fixed)
Project Tenure : one Years

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Sr No : 13- PA
Position : Project Assistant
Project & PI : “Understanding the mechanism of persistence of memory” under supervision of Dr. Amitabha Majumdar, Scientist ‘D’
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life sciences.
Desirable : Experience on protein purification, molecular biology. Candidate working with cell line, immunocytochemistry, immunoprecipitation, genetics protein purification will be preferred.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship :Rs.25,000/- pm +30% HRA for 1st & 2nd Year
Project Tenure : One Year & Ten Months

Sr No : 14- TA
Position : Technical Assistant (Senior Lab Assistant)
Project & PI : “Centre of Excellence in Biomolecular Structure and Function on Host- Pathogens Interactions” under supervision of Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Director
Upper Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M.Sc. in any branch of life science or B.Sc. in any branch of life science with minimum of three years of research experience in a research lab.
Desirable : Experience in Gene cloning, Mutagenesis, Protein expression, protein refolding & purification.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship :Rs. 17,040/- pm (fixed)
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 15- OA
Position : Office Assistant
Project & PI : “Centre of Excellence in Biomolecular Structure and Function on Host- Pathogens Interactions” under supervision of Dr. Shekhar C. Mande, Director
Upper Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : Bachelor degree with minimum of two years of experience in office administration and having basic computer knowledge.
Desirable : Candidate should be fluent in English having knowledge of Microsoft office, Excel, Word & Power point.
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs. 8,094/- pm (Fixed)
Project Tenure : Four Years & Ten Months

Sr No : 16- JRF
Position : Junior Research Fellow (One Post)
Project & PI : "Understanding the mechanism of ABC-type metal sequestering proteins: structure-based novel drug development against human pathogens" under supervision of Dr. Shailza Singh, Scientist 'D'
Upper Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Essential : M. Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum of 55% marks in any branch of life science and having qualified NET/GATE/LS/BET.
Desirable :
Preference will be given to applicants with experience/knowledge of programming languages (PERL, PYTHON, R, METLAB)
Consolidated Salary/ Fellowship : Rs.25,000/ - pm +30% HRA
Project Tenure : Two Years and Ten Months

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Important Guidelines & Instructions
*  The above mentioned dates for interviews may change based on the number of applications received. Hence, NCCS reserves the right to modify/re-schedule the above mentioned dates accordingly, if required. However, the exact dates for the interview for the respective positions will be mentioned in the Shortlisted Candidates list displayed on NCCS website.
* Applications in the prescribed format duly filled in along with attested copies of all relevant certificates showing date of birth, experience, details of the exam passed (SSC onwards), caste status and other necessary documents should reach to The Director, National Centre For Cell Science (NCCS), S. P. Pune University Campus, Post: Ganeshkhind, Pune - 411 007, Maharashtra, India on or before 29.03.2017.
*  The list of shortlisted candidates called for interview will be published on our institute website on or before 07.04.2017.
*  Applications received after the due date/due to postal delay and/or without the copies of the required certificates/documents will not be considered. Incomplete and/or without prescribed format application will be strictly rejected.
*  The prescribed educational qualifications are the bare minimum and mere possession of same does not entitled candidates to be called for interview. Where number of applications received in response to this advertisement is large, it will not be convenient or possible to interview all the candidates. Based on the recommendations of screening committee, the project investigator may restrict the number of candidates to be called for the interview to a reasonable limit after taking into consideration of qualifications and experience over and above the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. Therefore, it will be in the interest of the candidates, to mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field at the time of applying. No interim enquiries/correspondence/communication of any sort will be entertained on this matter.
* Additional percentage and experience cut-off will be applied during the screening process, if required.
* The Director, NCCS reserves the right to enhance/reduce the number of posts and also cancel the recruitment process.
*  SC/ST/OBC candidates must produce proof of their caste certificate from appropriate authority. In addition, OBC candidates must also produce latest/valid non-creamy layer certificate in the prescribed form for claiming the reservation benefits.
*   5% Marks relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates i.e. minimum of 50 % marks.
*   The above advertised positions are filled up purely on temporary basis for the limited time period on the extramural project funded by DBT/DST/CSIR/ICMR/Wellcome Trust/other Government agencies. The position will automatically co-terminus on the completion of the project tenure. The appointed person shall have no claim of appointment/absorption in funding agency or in NCCS, Pune.
*   For RA/PDF positions, Candidates must be mentioned title of the thesis, list of publications with full reference in the prescribed application form.
*   For RA/PDF positions, those who have submitted Ph. D thesis may also apply. Candidates who are yet to be awarded the Ph. D. degree, if selected, candidate will be paid Rs. 18,000/- + HRA or Rs. 28,000/- + HRA (depending on the project sanctioned) till the award of the degree.
*Fellowship/Emoluments for RA/SRF/JRF: Emoluments to the research personnel engaged under project will be made in accordance with the DST O.M. No. A.20020/1197-IFD dated 31.03.2010 or DST O.M. No, SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014 or depending on the respective project sanctioned orders issued by funding agency.
* Upper age limit will be considered as on closing date of receipt of application. Age relaxation of 5 years in case of SC/ST/Women/PH candidates and 3 years in case of OBC candidates will be given as per Government of India rules. Reservation as per Govt, of India norms will be followed.
*  No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the interview.
*  Selected candidates will have to join duty immediately on receipt of the offer of appointment.
* Please bring all the original certificates showing date of birth, qualification, statement of marks of the exam passed, degree certificates, certificate of past experience, certificate in support of present employment, salary certificate & other relevant documents along with a set of attested copies at the time of interview.
*  The above advertised position, if candidates are not found suitable, lower positions will be offered.

For Junior Research Fellow/Project Assistant positions download and use the prescribed format 1. For Scientist *C\ Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Technical Assistant and Office Assistant positions download and use the prescribed format 2. Note: It may be noted that candidate should sent a separate application duly filled in the prescribed format (Format 2) for Scientist *C\ Research Associate, Technical Assistant and Office Assistant position, if candidates wish to position.

1) Last date for receipt of applications has been extended to 10.04.2017 instead of 29.03.2017.
2) Shortlisted candidates name for interview will be published on our website on 24.04.2017.
3) Scheduled Dates for Interview will be announced/mentioned with the Shortlisted candidates list for Interview.

Please note that applications received at NCCS after 10.04.2017 will not be considered.

Interviews will be conducted as per the serial numbers mentioned herein below:-

Interview  Date: 17.04.2017
Post Serial No: 01-SC, 02-RA, 03-RA, 04-RA
Reporting timing for interview : 9.00 am

Interview  Date: 18.04.2017
Post Serial No: 06-JRF, 07- JRF, 08-JRF, 09-JRF, 10- JRF, 11-JRF, 12-JRF & 13- PA
Reporting timing for interview : 9.00 am

Interview  Date: 19.04.2017
Post Serial No: 05-SRF & 14- TA
Reporting timing for interview : 9.00 am

Interview  Date: 20.04.2017
Post Serial No: 15-OA
Reporting timing for interview : 9.00 am

Interview Venue & Address
National Centre For Cell Science,
NCCS Complex,
Savitribai Phule Pune University Campus,


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