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Vacancy for Technical Assistants at CMFRI | walk in

Clinical research courses

The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute was established by Government of India on February 3rd 1947 under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and later it joined the ICAR family in 1967. During the course of over 65 years the Institute has emerged as a leading tropical marine fisheries research institute in the world.

Post : Technical Assistants-02

Name of the Project: ICAR Outreach funded project “ICAR Outreach Activity-3” Nutrient profiling of fish as a food for health and dietary component

Nature of the post and duration of the post: Purely temporary on contract basis for a period of one year from the date of recruitment or the termination of the project, whichever is earlier.

Age limit 40 years for men and 45 years for Women

Emoluments: Rs. 16,000/- per month (plus 20% HRA).

Place of posting Kochi


Educational qualification/work experience:
Essential: Masters Degree in Organic Chemistry / Chemistry / Applied Chemistry with an experience in analytical work in R&D. The candidate should have hands on experience in analytical techniques like chromatographic purification (column chromatography, TLC, HPLC, GC) and spectroscopic techniques (NMR, IR, MS).
Desirable: Experience in working in pharmaceutical companies with experience in synthetic chemistry.

Date & Time of Walk in Interview: 28th March 2017 (10:00 am)
Venue: Room number 202, CMFRI, Kochi-18

General Instructions:
1) No TA /DA will be paid for attending the interview. The candidates are requested to bring their original certificates, project works, biodata along with a set of attested copies. 2) The candidates are advised to send their biodata in advance to the e-mail: on or before 27th March 2017. The shortlisted candidates will be informed by e-mail on or before 27th March 2017. The shortlisted candidates may attend the interview to be held on 28th March 2017.

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