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Walk in interview for Young Professional at ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute

Clinical research courses

India has vast and varied types of inland fisheries resources in the form of rivers, estuaries, reservoirs, floodplain wetlands, lakes, coastal lagoons and backwaters, which play important roles in fish production in the country, ensuring food and nutritional security, employment generation and livelihoods to millions of people. Recognizing the role of inland fisheries, Government of India established a Central Inland Fisheries Research Station at Calcutta on 17 March 1947, under the then Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Later, in 1959, the Central Inland Fisheries Research Station was elevated to a full-fledged research institute, christened as "Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute".

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for purely temporary co-terminus position in ICAR sponsored All India Network Project on Fish Health

Post : Young Professional – II

No. of positions :1 (One) at Barrackpore

Tenure : One Year or tenure of the project, whichever is earlier

Essential qualification : M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Desirable : qualification/ Experience Knowledge/experience in aquatic microbiology, HPLC/GC, molecular techniques and bioinformatics

Remuneration : Rs. 25,000/= p.m. (Lump sum)

Age limit : Minimum 21 years and maximum 45 years, Relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates

Date, time and venue of Interview : 02.8.2016, 11:00 hr; ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Monirampur, Barrackpore, Kolkata - 700120

Place of work :Any part of India including CIFRI, Barrackpore - 700 120

Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications are invited to appear in walk-in-interview on abovementioned date at above-stated place along with application on plain paper giving bio-data, category, qualification, experience, publication (if any), a recent passport size photograph, attested copies of the certificates, etc. along with the original testimonials for verification.

No TA/DA/fare will be paid for appearing in the interview.

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