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Walk-in-Interview for Junior Research Fellows at Central Silk Technological Research Institute Central Silk Board

Clinical research courses

CSTRI is the only research institute in the country dedicated to the Research & Developmental activities related to silk technology. CSTRI was established in the year 1983 by the Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. Till then, silk technology had only the status of a division in the sericultural research institutes in the country. Appreciating the need for a greater thrust on the demand side of the silk industry, the establishment of CSTRI was the first step in the right direction. Today, CSTRI is recognised as one of the Textile Research Associations in the country by the Government of India.

Eligible candidates are invited for walk-in-interview on 25lh AUGUST-2016 for the post of Three JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOWS (JRF) in the following collaborative research projects:

Projects :
1. Development of sericin based nanofinish for textile materials (CFC 7072).
2. Studies on photodegradation of silk fabrics (CFC 7073).
3. Studies on electrospun silk fibroin nanocomposite fibres for biomaterial applications (CYF 7074).

Fellowship per month:
Consolidated Rs.20,800/- (Rs. 16,000+30% HRA for B.Tech / BE with GATE / NET) and Consolidated Rs. 15,600/- (Rs. 12,000+30 % HRA for B.Tech / B.E without GATE / NET)

Age limit: 28 Years; Relaxation as per Govt, rules

Project-wise JRF Requirements: (JRF: 1 post for each research projects

1.Development of sericin based nanofinish for textile materials (CFC 7072).
Essential qualifications:B.Tech or M.Sc. in textile engineering / textile technology / textile chemistry.
Desirable qualification: M. Tech in relevant stream and GATE / NET qualified
Experience: 1 years work experience in handling nano-particles is preferable.

2. Studies on photodegradation of silk fabrics (CFC 7073).
Essential qualifications:B.Tech. or M.Sc. in textile engineering/textile technology / textile chemistry.
Desirable qualification: M. Tech in relevant stream and GATE / NET qualified Experience:    1 year work experience in textile processing is preferable.

3.Studies on electrospun silk fibroin naiiocomposite fibres for biomaterial applications
Essential qualification: B.Tech. / M.Sc. in Fibre science / textile engineering / textile technology / polymer science / biochemistry / pharmacy.
Desirable qualification: M. Tech in relevant stream and GATE /NET qualified
Experience: 1 year work experience in electrospinning process or drug delivery systems is preferred.

Important points:
1.Age limit: 28 years as on the date of interview (relaxation of 5 years for scheduled castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ OBC, physically handicapped and female applicants).
2. No TA/DA will be provided to attend, the interview.
3.The above mentioned position is purely temporary on contractual basis and are co-terminus with the project. Further claim for any post will not be entertained thereafter.
4. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
5. The decision of the Director shall be final and binding in all respects. 6.    Incomplete documents will summarily be rejected.
7. Selected candidates should convey their consent for joining as JRF as per the terms and conditions within the stipulated time. Otherwise next candidate in the merit list will be given offer for same.

Walk in Interview
Venue: Central Silk Technological Research Institute, CSB Complex, BTM Layout, Bangalore - 560068, Karnataka.
Date: 25- 08-2016; reporting time: 9AM

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