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Walk in at Sardar Patel University for the post of Assistant professor

Clinical research courses

Sardar Patel University comprises of 25 Postgraduate Departments, a constituent collage, and number of colleges affiliated to it. There are 14 PG Centers in the affiliated Colleges, linstitutions. The teaching programme covered at Postgraduate, Medicine, Homeopathy, Home Science, Law and Education includes Postgraduate Degree Courses, Postgraduate Diploma Courses, Diploma Courses, and Advanced Certificate Courses, Undergraduate Courses are taught in the colleges or institutes affiliated to the University.

Walk-In-lnterview for the following Contractual Teaching Positions are invited for Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Science and Technology (CISST), Sardar Patel University:

1. Assistant Professor (ONE) (Contractual)
Subject: Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology
2. Assistant Professor (ONE) (Contractual)
Subject: Physics/ Earth Science
3. Assistant Professor (ONE) (Contractual)
Subject: Chemical Sciences (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Science etc....)

1. Good academic record as defined by the concerned university with at least 55 % marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s level of the concerned subject.
2. Ph.D. degree in the concerned subject or in a relevant interdisciplinary subject or NET/SLET/GATE qualified candidates.
3.For Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology position, candidate should have a background in molecular biology comparative genomics or Bioinformatics and knowledge in programming languages (Such as Python, Java, Perl etc).

Contractual appointment carries a total Fixed Emoluments of Ks. 30,000/- p.m. without any assurance of permanent Positions and related benefits.

Candidates must present their original certificates along with a copy of the duly filled application Form in prescribed Performa, available on the Website: and sclt attested copies of certificates of qualifications and experience at the time of interview.

Candidates called for interview shall be required to attend at their own cost. In absence of suitable candidate, the university may relax the eligibility criteria, for conditional appointment.

The eligible and interested candidates should remain present for the walk-in-interview as per the schedule below:
Day & Date:    Monday, 22nd August, 2016
Time:    11.00 a.m.
Venue:    Hon. Vice-Chancellors Office

Download Application Form>>

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