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Vacancy for Pharmacist in Office of CMOH under Department of Health & Family Welfare | Govt job

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South 24 Parganas District Health & Family Welfare Samity will engage staff for the ART Centre of WBSAP & CS and NVBDCP under Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal purely on contractual basis.

Post : Pharmacist - ARTC

Number of post    : 1 (UR),

Remuneration    : Rs. 13000=00/pm

Place of posting    : ARTC-MRBH

Qualification & Experience    :
I) Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized institute OR
2) Diploma Holder in Pharmacy with 3 years of Experience in Health Care. Note : Candidate must be registered in the concerned state Pharmacy Council.

Age as on 31.07.16)    : upto 60 years.

Application fees of Rs. 100/-(50% for reserved categories) is to be paid in the form of Demand Draft is to be issued from any Nationalised Bank in favour of" South 24 Parganas District Health & Family Welfare Samity " payable at Service Branch, Kolkata.

Eligible candidate should apply in the prescribed format as given in Department's Website / / within 30.08.2016 for the mentioned posts. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete application forms are liable to be cancelled.

The complete application with the self attested photocopies of all the relevant documents should be reached in the office of the undersigned (address mentioned above ) within 30.08.2016. Use of stapler pin or stitching in case of demand draft, will not be allowed.


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General Information for the Applicants / Candidates
1. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete Application forms are liable to be cancelled. If the application details submitted by the applicant differ with the original testimonials, that application shall liable to be cancelled .
2.Applicant must mention their name , post and caste category at the back of the draft and in front of the envelope.
3.The Essential Qualification mentioned are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitles the candidate to claim selection.
4.The originals of each of the following documents stated below must be brought for verification :
• Photo proof identity card ( Any one- Passport / Voter Card / ADIIAR Card / PAN Card).
• Proof of Address ( Any one Passport / Voter ID Card / ADHAR Card).
• Age Proof Certificate (Madhyamik or equivalent examination certificate).
• Caste Category Certificate (if any) . In case of SC, ST, OBC Candidates (category A or B) must be mentioned specifically in the caste certificate issued by the appropriate authority.
•  All mark sheets starting from Secondary onwards.
• All the experience certificate issued and stamped by the appropriate authority starting from oldest to latest.
• Experience will be calculated after obtaining the required qualification for any post as mentioned above, till the date of application.
• Experience certificate must consist of Name of the post, Employer's Name, Employee's Name, Date of Joining (DOJ) and Date of Leaving (DOL) otherwise his/her experience will be treated as invalid. No appointment letter/joining letter will be treated as experience certificate.
5. No rounding off of marks will be granted. Proportionate marking up to 2 decimal points will be considered.
6. The photocopies of all the relevant documents of the candidate, after self attestation should also be enclosed with the Demand Draft in original. No application will be accepted without submission of the required Demand Draft. The amount taken in the form of Demand Draft will not be refunded.
7. Candidate have to submit attested hard copies ( photocopies) of all the relevant mark sheets, certificates and relevant documents along with the filled up application as per format and demand draft through speed post/registered post in the above mentioned address.
8. The High Secondary (10+2) Marks will be calculated as per the norms of the Board with the 2 languages and 3 compulsory elective Subjects (Total 5 Subjects) only as per marks sheet. University Marks in case of Graduation and Post Graduation will be calculated on the basis of marks obtained in all the University Examinations.
9. The recruitment process including scoring for the different posts will be done as per the relevant Terms of Reference (TOR) issued by the Competent Authority or the District Recruitment Committee (NHM) which is applicable for that particular posts.
10.Wrong entry in the application ( lower marks or higher marks ), any mismatch with the originals will be treated as cancelled in the selection process.
11. In case of any anomalies or discrepancies found with the requirements or originals of the applicant the Competent Authority may cancel the candidate in any stage of the selection process.
12.The decision of the Competent Authority regarding the recruitment is final. Applicants are requested to visit at the URL "Recruitment" to get the application format and other notice will be published in following websites / for the further communication details. All are advised to keep visiting accordingly on regular basis to see the progress of recruitment process. No separate letter will be issued.

Last Date : 30th August, 2016

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