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Clinical research courses

  • Job for Pharma Assistant Professor at School of Pharmacy, Centurion University of Technology and Management

    Situated in the western region of Odisha, the campus is spread over 15 acres of land. The CUTM Balangir Campus is located in the heart of the Balangir City which is well connected by rails and roadways. The territory comprising the district of Balangir was part of the erstwhile Patna State. The Patna State was an important State in western Odisha under the Chauhans since 14th century AD.

  • Applications are invited for Various Faculty positions in Pharmacy at Centurion University

    The Pharmacy Courses running at four different campuses of Centurion University, Odisha aims at skill based education with a curriculum designed to prepare Diploma holders, graduates in Pharmacy for lifelong learning and leadership capabilities. These Schools looks forward in developing a disease free Nation by initiating an integrative module of academics and research.

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