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  • Recruitment for Pharmacovigilance Associate (14 posts) for PvPI at Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission | under MOHFW

    The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is an Autonomous Body under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India primarily with the objectives of regularly updating the Indian Pharmacopoeia by publishing new edition and its addenda, National Formulary of India and other related tasks such as preparing, certification and distribution of reference substances & functions as National Coordination Centre (NCC) for Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI).

  • Need Regional Prescription Manager at NutriSynapzz

    NutriSynapzz markets innovative nutraceuticals with breakthrough concepts to medical doctors across the country. We are looking out for fresh graduates and also experienced marketing executives (1 to 2 years) who are go-getters, want to create great wealth for themselves and transform themselves into the best knowledge workers. The only pre-requisite is the ability to be fluent in spoken english. We offer the best salaries, allowances and performance based incentives as per industry standards. Invest in yourself. Join Nutri Synapzz. Promote breakthrough products and achieve the impossible.

    Post: Regional Prescription Manager

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