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Luqman College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

  • Evaluation of Antihyperglycemic Activity of a Polyherbal Formulation in Alloxan induced Diabetic Rats

    S Hamza*, Dr D. K. Suresh, R. Hasan, Md S. Khalid, R. Mistry
    Department of Pharmacology,
    Luqman College of Pharmacy,
    Gulbarga - 585 102,
    Karnataka, India.

    The study was to assess the antidiabetic activity ofa polyherbal formulation in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The antidiabetic activity of a polyherbal formulation in alloxan induced diabetic rats was assessed using Alloxan β-cytotoxin induced chemical diabetes in a wide variety of wistar albinorats. The polyherbal formulation contains thefollowing plants leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, Ginkgo biloba and plant seeds of Mucuna prurience.The extracts were prepared by continues hot soxhlet extraction using petroleum ether and water. Three different formulations were prepared for the study. The study reveals that the polyherbal formulations of plants leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, Ginkgo biloba and plant seeds of Mucuna prurience have antidiabetic activity and theactionmay be due to the restoration or regeneration of β-cells of pancreas.

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