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Government jobs in Bangalore

Clinical research courses

  • Recruitment for Pharmacist (20 posts) in BCH and FWS | Government Jobs

    Bangalore City Health & Family Welfare Society® (BCH&FWS) under National Urban Health Mission intends to conduct walk-in selection for below mentioned posts for one year purely on contractual basis.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Working Opportunity for Pharmacist at ECHS

    Retired Armed Forces personnel till 2002 could avail medical facilities only for specific high cost surgery/treatment for a limited number of diseases covered under the Army Group Insurance(Medical Branch Scheme) (AGI(MBS)) and Armed Forces Group Insurance Scheme(Management Information System) (AFGIS (MIS)) schemes. These medicare schemes could provide some relief to the ESM, but it was not a comprehensive scheme as compared to and available for other Central Government Employees. Therefore, the requirement was felt of establishing a medicare system which could provide quality medicare to the retirees of the Armed Forces.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Vacancy for Pharmacist at ACAMHNS - NIMHANS | walk in

    The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIMHANS) is a premier medical institution located in Bangalore, India. NIMHANS was conferred a deemed university status by the University Grants Commission in 1994 and has been declared as an Institute of National Importance by an act of parliament in 2012.

    Post: Pharmacist

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (66 Posts) under Health & Family Welfare Society - walk in

    The history of municipal governance of Bangalore dates back to March 27, 1862, when nine leading citizens of the city formed a Municipal Board under the Improvement of Towns Act of 1850. Later, a similar Municipal Board was also formed in the Cantonment area of the city. The two boards were legalized in 1881, and functioned as two independent bodies called the Bangalore City Municipality and the Bangalore Civil and Military Station Municipality.

  • Job as Pharmacist (Homeopathy) in Employees' State Insurance Corporation

    Employees’ state Insurance Scheme of India, is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme.  Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to a monthly pension called the dependents benefit.

    Walk in interview for the post of Homeopathy Pharmacist on Part Time basis (contract] will be held on 03-06-2016 at ESIC Model Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-560010.

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