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Government Pharmacy Job in Maharashtra

Clinical research courses

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (277 posts) in Indian Railways | Government Jobs

    Railway Recruitment Board, initially was known as 'Railway Service Commission' but in January 1985 it was renamed as Railway Recruitment Board. These were the small’s beginnings which is due course developed into a network of railway lines all over the country. By 1880 the Indian Railway system had a route mileage of about 9000 miles. INDIAN RAILWAYS, the premier transport organization of the country is the largest rail network in Asia and the world’s second largest under one management.

  • Job Openings for Pharmacists (21 posts) in Director of Health Services - Government Jobs

    The Directorate General of Health Services (Dte.GHS) is a repository of technical knowledge concerning Public Health, Medical Education and Health Care. It is an attached organisation of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The Dte.GHS is headed by Director General of Health Services (DGHS), an officer of Central Health Services, who renders technical advice on all medical and public health matters to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

    Director of Health Services invites online applications for the post of Pharmacists.

    Post : Pharmacists

  • Recruitment for Pharmacists (30 posts) in Public Health Department - Government Jobs

    Maharashtra Public Service Commission invites online applications for the post of Pharmacists at Akola.

    Post : Pharmacists

    No of Posts : 30
    Note: Number of posts may increase or decrease
    Pay scale: Rs. 5200-20200 grade pay 2800

  • Job for Pharmacy graduates as Bench Chemist at Central Drugs Testing Laboratory

    The CDTL, Mumbai is one of the National Statutory Laboratories of the Government of India, functioning under administrative control of the Drug Controller General (India), Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.

    Post : Bench Chemist

  • Walk in interview for Pharmacist at BARC Hospital - Government of India

    Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha was the visionary who conceptulised the Indian Nuclear Programme and along with a handful of Scientists initiated the nuclear science research in India in March, 1944. He envisaged the vast potential of nuclear energy and its possible successful utilization in the field of power generation and allied areas. Dr. Bhabha started working with the goal of achieving self reliance in the fields of nuclear science and engineering and today’s Department of Atomic Energy which is a consortium of different and diversified fields of science and engineering is the final outcome of the farsighted planning of Dr. Bhabha.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Job Openings for Pharmacists (66 posts) in MCGM | Government Jobs

    Bombay was the first British Indian possession, which came as a part of the royal dowry in 1661 to King Charles II of England on his marriage to the Portuguese princess, Infanta Catherine de Braganza. Ironically enough, Bombay also set the stage for the birth of the country's historic freedom movement, as well as for some of its major landmarks, including Gandhiji's 1942 call to the British to "Quit India". It was in Bombay that the Indian National Congress was born in 1885. It led the country's struggle for political independence and indirectly to the liquidation of the British Empire. The name "Bombay" was changed to "Mumbai" by the Corporation Resolution No.512 dated August 12, 1996, Maharashtra Act, XXV of 1996 During the period between the rise and fall of the British Empire, Bombay gradually developed into a town, a city and a metropolis of world renown. Today, the Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika covers an area of 480.24 sq.kms with a population of 1,19,14,378 as per the census of 2001. The metropolis accounts major portion of India's international trade and government revenue, from being one of the foremost centers of education, science and technological research and advancement.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Mega Recruitment for Pharmacists (415 posts) under ESIC, India | Salary upto Rs 92,300

    Employees’ State Insurance Scheme of India,  is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme.  Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial  accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to  a monthly pension called the dependents benefit.

    Post : Pharmacist (Allopathy)

  • Job Openings for Pharmacists at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre - Government of India

    Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha was the visionary who conceptulised the Indian Nuclear Programme and along with a handful of Scientists initiated the nuclear science research in India in March, 1944. He envisaged the vast potential of nuclear energy and its possible successful utilization in the field of power generation and allied areas. Dr. Bhabha started working with the goal of achieving self reliance in the fields of nuclear science and engineering and today’s Department of Atomic Energy which is a consortium of different and diversified fields of science and engineering is the final outcome of the farsighted planning of Dr. Bhabha.

    Post : Pharmacist

  • Career for Pharmacists (35 posts) in Employees’ State Insurance Corporation

    Employees’ state Insurance Scheme of India,  is a multidimensional social system tailored to provide socio-economic  protection to worker population and their dependents covered under the scheme.  Besides full medical care for self and dependents, that is admissible from day  one of insurable employment, the insured persons are also entitled to a variety  of case benefits in times of physical distress due to sickness, temporary or  permanent disablement etc. resulting in loss of earing capacity, the confinement  in respect of insured women, dependents of insured persons who die in industrial  accidents or because of employment injury or occupational hazard are entitled to  a monthly pension called the dependents benefit.

  • ONGC invites applications for post of Pharmacist

    ONGC, a “Maharatna” Public Sector Enterprise, and India’s flagship energy company is engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas in India and abroad. A global energy major, it contributes 70% of India’s domestic Oil production & 62% of Natural Gas Production. ONGC’s annual net profit was Rs. 19,900 Cr. (approx.) during Financial Year 2017-18. Currently, ONGC through its subsidiary ONGC Videsh Ltd, is India’s largest Transnational Corporate with overseas investment of over 28.36 billion USD in 20 countries. ONGC Represents India's Energy Security through its Pioneering Efforts.

    Post : Pharmacist Grade-IV (Allopathy)

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