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Clinical research courses

  • Amneal Pharma Hiring Sales Professionals

    Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc is an integrated specialty pharmaceutical company powered by a robust U.S. generics business and a growing branded business. Together, our team is working to build one of the most dynamic pharmaceutical companies in our rapidly changing industry.

    Post : Account Manager

    Amneal Pharmaceuticals are inviting talented Sales Professionals to join us as a Account Manager (Individual contributor role).

  • Walk in interview for Medical Coders at Vee Technologies

    Vee Technologies is a premier consulting and professional services company, offering cutting-edge solutions to organizations around the world. With a powerful blend of people, processes and groundbreaking technology-enabled solutions, we streamline operations, increase cash flow, reduce costs and maximize compliance while providing an edge over the competition.

    Post : Medical Coder / Sr. Medical Coder / QA / TL

  • Pharmacy Graduate Apprenticeship Training in Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

    Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited is one of the leading MAHARATNA Public Sector Undertaking, Country’s Premier Engineering Organization which provides world-class products and services to the core sectors like Power, Industry, Transportation. Transmission, Defense, Electronics, etc. 

  • ECHS Polyclinics invites applications for post of Pharmacist

    ECHS invites applications to engage following staff on contractual basis for its ECHS Polyclinics located as under for a period of 12 months for Ex-Servicemen and eleven months only for civilians.

  • Work as AR Associate at Omega Healthcare | walk in

    Omega Healthcare has extensive experience in providing services in a variety of hospital-based and office-based physician specialties.  We also have experience in providing services to A/R Management companies and their hospital clients for their credit balance account, regular accounts receivable and facility coding needs.  Our delivery organization is driven by quality and Six Sigma methodologies, which ensure improved processes and client satisfaction.

    Post :  AR Associate

  • Recruitment for Research Associate in Anna University

    Applications are invited for research positions (Purely Temporary) for the DST, New Delhi sponsored National Facility for Drug Development for Academia, Pharmaceutical and Allied Industries in Anna University, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024.


  • Opening to work as Medical Representatives (25 Posts) in Harvas Management Solutions

    HARVAS is a leading Management consultancy in Chennai having diversified its role from recruitment to industrial training etc. We are the leading placement consultant for top pharma companies in India.

    We are looking for a smart and dynamic Medical Representatives.

    Post: Medical Representatives

  • Opportunity for Medical Representative in Leading Pharma Company Nextus Solution

    Leading Pharma Company

    Post: Medical Representative

  • Opening for Pharmacist in ECHS, Trichy

    Retired Armed Forces personnel till 2002 could avail medical facilities only for specific high cost surgery/treatment for a limited number of diseases covered under the Army Group Insurance(Medical Branch Scheme) (AGI(MBS)) and Armed Forces Group Insurance Scheme(Management Information System) (AFGIS (MIS)) schemes. These medicare schemes could provide some relief to the ESM, but it was not a comprehensive scheme as compared to and available for other Central Government Employees. Therefore, the requirement was felt of establishing a medicare system which could provide quality medicare to the retirees of the Armed Forces.

    ECHS invites applications to engage follo wing staff on contractua l basis for its ECHS Polyclinics located as under for a period of one year, renewable for additional period :

    Post: Pharmacist- 01

  • Notification for interview for a JRF in SERB sponsored Major Research Project in Bharathidasan University

    Bharathidasan University established in February 1982, and was named after the great revolutionary Tamil Poet, Bharathidasan (1891-1968). The University endeavours to be true to such a vision by creating in the region a brave new world of academic innovation for social change"(NAAC, - 2005, p.69). The year 2006-07 is the Silver Jubilee year for this great and vibrant University.

    Applications on plain paper including a brief bio-data are invited for the post of One JRF to work in the project funded by the Science and Engineering Research Board (Start-up Research Grant(Young Scientist)), at the Department of Environmental Biotechnology, School of Environmental sciences, Bharathidasan University, Trichy.

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