Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Punjab (GoP) with the financial support of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India (GoI) setup Punjab Biotechnology Incubator (PBTI) in 2005. PBTI is a component of Agri Food Biotechnology Cluster, Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar (Mohali). PBTI, a registered Society under Societies Registration Act is professionally governed by Governing Council under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary Punjab. PBTI started providing hi-end world class NABL accredited analytical services to Agri, Food, Environment and Allied Sectors from transit premises in Mohali. In addition, contract research services, technology validation services and Project Management Consultancy (PMC)/Project Management Advisory (PMA) services are also being provided. Farmers, entrepreneurs, startups, industries, exporters and regulators etc.