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Scope of Intellectual Property Rights and Drg regulatory Affairs

Clinical research courses

 Which is the better course for future IPR or DRA ?

Any one cannot say that which course is better for future of anyone.
IPR- Intellectual Property Rights specially in pharma-field is related with trade marks and patent of the invested molecules or preparations, protect the rights. As we know there are numbers of pharma companies are there and numbers of researches are going on. So, if you have ability to defend and argue, it is better to go for it.

DRA- Drug Regulatory Affairs is related with adverse event reporting, SOP writing, project management, generic name registration, regulatory strategy development and others. It requires perfect skills and managing ideals in you. If you are very good in pharma skills and also some what in managing such things, you can go for it.

As a conclusion it's all depends on your skills and your way to look up. No one can tell which one is better for you but you are only one who can answer this complex mystery. Both of these courses are best after pharmacy. But as per personal advice IPR is the best since very less competition due to less awareness than other courses.