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Risk of central nervous system adverse events

New Zealand. Medsafe has announced that the higher dose (7.5 mg) of zopiclone (Imovane®) is likely to cause central nervous system adverse events in the elderly.

Zopiclone is indicated for shortterm treatment of insomnia. The approved adult dose is 7.5 mg, up to a maximum of four weeks. The recommended dose for elderly patients is 3.75 mg. In elderly, the elimination halflife of zopiclone is prolonged to approximately seven hours, compared with five hours in younger adults.

The risk of next-day hangover effects such as drowsiness, cognitive impairment and dizziness is, therefore higher in the elderly. Also, psychiatric adverse events, including depression, suicidality, psychosis and schizophrenia have been associated with the use of zopiclone, and are more likely to occur in the elderly.

Reference : Prescriber Update, Vo. 40, No.2, Medsafe, June 2019 ( (See WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter No.6, 2014: Risk of next-day impairment in Canada)