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Clinical research courses

Risk of inflammation of pancreas

Canada. Health Canada has announced that there is a link between methimazole (Tapazole®) and the risk of acute pancreatitis.

Methimazole, also known as thiamazole, is a prescription drug to treat hyperthyroidism, a condition where too much thyroid hormone is produced.

Health Canada reviewed the potential risk of inflammation of the pancreas with the use of methimazole after being made aware of international reports. At the time of the review, Health Canada received 21 Canadian reports of potential acute pancreatitis related to methimazole use.

Health Canada’s review of available evidence concluded that there is a link between methimazole and the risk of acute pancreatitis. Health Canada is working with the manufacturers to update the safety information for methimazole products to inform health-care professionals and patients about this risk.

Reference : Summary Safety Review, Health Canada, 12 September 2019