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Risk of cardiac events

United Kingdom. The MHRA has announced that cases of cardiac arrest, cardiac failure and myocardial infarction were reported in patients taking carfilzomib (Kyprolis®).

Carfilzomib is indicated to treat adult patients with multiple myeloma. Five cases of cardiac failure, five of arrhythmia, three of cardiac arrest, two of pericarditis, two of left ventricular failure and five of myocardial infarction, of which six were fatal, have been reported in the UK since 2013 to July 2019 in post-marketing reports and in clinical trials.

The risk of cardiac failure with carfilzomib is increased in elderly and in Asian patients. Although adequate hydration is required before starting treatment, all patients should be monitored for evidence of volume overload.

Health-care professionals should monitor patients for signs and symptoms of cardiac disorders and stop carfilzomib if severe cardiac events occur. Restarting treatment may be considered at a lower dose once the condition is controlled.

Reference: Drug Safety Update, MHRA, 19 August 2019