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Clinical research courses



    Dhrubo Jyoti Sen
    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Shri Sarvajanik Pharmacy College, Gujarat Technological University, Arvind Baug, Mehsana-384001, Gujarat, India

    Aftershave is an important part of a man’s daily lifestyle routine. After shave is a liquid product applied to skin after shaving. It contains an antiseptic agent such as denatured alcohol, stearate/citrate or witch hazel to prevent infection of cuts, as well as to act as an astringent to reduce skin irritation. Menthol is used in some varieties as well to numb damaged skin and it is an ingredient that shaving cream manufacturers have started including in their formulations, too. Aftershave with alcohol usually causes an immediate burning sensation when applying it post-shave, with effects sometimes lasting several minutes, but most commonly only for seconds. For this reason, a market consisting of highly differentiated products has been created—some using alcohols, some not. Some aftershaves use fragrance or essential oil to enhance scent. Moisturizers—natural and artificial, are often touted as able to soften the skin. Rinse your face and neck with cool water next to help close up your pores before you apply the aftershave. Do not apply aftershave immediately after you have finished shaving since doing so might make your skin sore or irritated. Pat your face and neck dry gently with a towel. As you shave, feel free to keep applying shaving cream. When you're done shaving, wash the area generously with lots of warm water. When you shave, shower in warm water first to soften skin, then lubricate with a shaving cream or lotion, never dry shave. Assure you use a clean, sharp, razor and shave in the direction of hair growth. Once shaven those hair follicles are open, clean area well and apply a gently aftershave lotion or aloe vera gel. Keywords: Cologne, Moisturizer, Humectant, Denatured alcohol, Polyquaternium-10, Allantoin, Styptic

  • Colour Science,Colours in Cosmetics and Colour Cosmetics

    Vinay Kumar Singh.
    Chief Research Officer
    Parammount Cosmetics India Limited,
    Bangalor, Karnataka

    Many articles have been written on Colour Cosmetics. I too have written a few articles on Colour Cosmetics. A M. Tech. student of mine from ICT (formally UDCT of Mumbai University) called me to ask me to send him a write up on Colour Science and its impact on colour cosmetics; which prompted me to write this article which is an amalgam of Basics of colours, science behind colour and its usage in Cosmetics.



    Neha Bala, Naresh Mali
    Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur
    Rajasthan,  India

    The tremendous pharmacological advances witnessed during the last few decades have revolutionize virtually all aspects of modern life,including our understanding of disease.New drugs have contributed significantly to the economic impact of new developments in health care.With recognition that the pace of pharmacological development and acquiring of new knowledge will certainly accelerate in the coming years,let us consider what these advances might hold for Pharmacological advancement,Pharmacology is the branch of biology concerned with the study of drug action, where a drug can be broadly defined as any natural, or endogenous (from within body) molecule which exerts a biochemical and/or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism

  • New Cosmetics Product Development

    Vinay Kumar Singh.
    Chief Research Officer
    Parammount Cosmetics India Limited,
    Bangalor, Karnataka

    New Cosmetics Product Development, according to me is mix of Arts, Science and Management. Since my R.&D. days ofLakme when I was just a Chemist I was taught its significance and nuance. Over the period of more than 25 years that I have spent in R.&D. of various Organisation, I have learnt it better and it only compliments my learning in Lakme. Now let’s get into the arts,science and management of New Cosmetics Product Development and explore it.One must keep in mind that Development of New Cosmetics has to be done carefully as there are many variables that need to consider. Cosmetics is placed in market to make one look beautiful or attractive to others. It also alters the appearance obviously to look good. It enhances the level of confidence of consumer to face the world in this age of competition. As Cosmetics is connected to consumer’s aspiration, it must satisfy the need of consumer. Thus a new Cosmetics is developed keeping in mind, what consumer really requires and at what price. At times, it is a challenge to develop a Cosmetics meeting the demand of consumer at a price that they desire; but that is where role of R.&D. comes in picture and normally Industry launches Cosmetics as required by Consumer. While developing new Cosmetics,we must consider consumer as Emperor and satisfy his/her need without any compromise

  • Community Pharmacist: Back Bone of Health Care Profession

    Prabodh V Sapkale
    Department of Ph. Chemistry,
    Shellino Education Society's, Arunamai College of Pharmacy, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

    Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) states that B.Pharm graduates should register under state pharmacy council and become registered pharmacists. However, in spite of being registered as pharmacists, they are not eligible for pharmacist vacancies in most of government health care sectors.

  • Why generic drugs not so popular?

    India, a global market leader in the export of generic drugs to countries such as the United States and Japan, as well as to countries in Africa and Europe. Generic drugs have the same chemical composition as branded drugs. But they are sold under the chemical names which are not familiar with the general public. Popular branded drugs are too expensive. Facilitating usage of generic medicines instead of expensive branded drugs is perhaps one of the most effective ways bringing down the medical costs. This will be beneficial for large section of population.

  • Cosmetics Product Testing: A Must for its Success

    Vinay Kumar Singh.
    Chief Research Officer
    Parammount Cosmetics India Limited,
    Bangalor, Karnataka

    Product is successful when it sells in the market and brings profit and revenue for the manufacturer. For a successful product, quality is an important factor for consumer to accept it. In order to ascertain quality of a product, it must be tested on various parameters. Without testing the product, one can not be sure of its quality, safety and efficacy. Before any new product is put in the market, it must be thoroughly tested.

  • Best Calibration Methods and Frequency

    Calibration is important for industrial plants as the safety and production of good quality products is required. Without proper calibration, some technical problems can arise which can be disastrous for your plant. This makes calibration very important for an industrial plant.

  • Role of Pharmacist to minimize impact of Medical Errors on Families & Professionals

    Surgeries and hospital stays are designed to improve a patient’s health. When patients are harmed by a preventable medical error, they can feel robbed of that natural expectation of help and healing. These errors really cast a very, very long shadow. What was supposed to be a safe place turned out to be a very dangerous place.

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