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Two countries Bhutan and Maldives become the first to eliminate measles



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Bhutan and the Maldives have eliminated measles, a highly infectious disease that is a major child killer worldwide. The two countries have become the first in the WHO South-East Asia region to be verified for having interrupted the endemic transmission of the measles virus, before the regional target of 2020.

WHO commends them for this momentous public health achievement, "said Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South East Asia, announcing the findings and conclusions of the South-East Asia Regional Verification Commission for Elimination of Measles and Control Of Rubella.

The Regional Director said: "Stronger political commitment, coupled with the concerted efforts of health workers, officials and partners at all levels, has helped to achieve this historic success, a boost to the Region's efforts to eliminate Measles and control the rubella.

Bhutan and the Maldives launched their Expanded Program on Immunization in 1979 and 1976 respectively, and since then have worked tirelessly to increase access to immunization services. Maldives has not reported any cases of Indian measles since 2009 and Bhutan since 2012. To strengthen its progress, both countries are carrying out mass vaccination campaigns against measles and rubella vaccine covering high-risk populations.

The elimination of measles and rubella control by 2020 has been one of WHO's priority programs in the South-East Asia Region since Dr. Khetrapal Singh became Regional Director in February 2014.


It is estimated that in 2016 only 620 000 measles deaths were prevented after vaccination by Member countries. About 107 million children have been reached with an additional dose of measles vaccine through mass vaccination between 2013 and 2016.

All countries have introduced two doses of measles vaccine and have been making focused efforts and progress against measles and rubella. All countries are carrying out case-based surveillance for measles and rubella, and regional surveillance standards have been revised to comply with the elimination standards. The network of laboratories against measles has been expanded from 23 laboratories in 2013 to 39 laboratories accredited by WHO in 2016.

"To meet the 2020 measles and rubella elimination targets, all countries should make greater efforts to increase measles vaccination coverage through child immunization programs as nearly 4.7 million children continue to Vaccinated against measles in the region annually, "said Dr. Khetrapal Singh.

The overall goal of universal health coverage and the central goal of the Sustainable Development goal of leaving no one behind provide new opportunities to further improve immunization programs, improve access to new vaccines, and strengthen health systems for Sustain the achievements so far.

The strategy to combat measles and rubella in the WHO South-East Asia Region is based on four key approaches: achieving and maintaining at least 95% vaccination coverage with two doses of measles and rubella vaccine Routine and complementary vaccination; Develop and maintain sensitive case-based surveillance that meets the recommended performance indicators; Develop and maintain an accredited network of laboratories for measles and rubella; And strengthen support and links to these strategies.

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