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Govt plans to impose Rs 1,000 ceiling on gifts from pharmaceutical companies for doctors

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The Indian pharmaceutical market, attached to sales of more than Rs lakh 1 crore each year, is one of the largest and fastest growing markets worldwide. Given the highly fragmented marketplace, government and regulators have faced a challenge to curb unethical practices, which in turn grow rapidly in the absence of rigorous regulation.

The ceiling of 1,000 rupees is considered sufficient for drug manufacturers to offer items intended to ensure brand recall. In a move to curb the unethical practice of pharmaceutical companies seeking to influence doctors and chemists through costly "gifts", the government is set to impose a cap of Rs 1,000 on the value of these gifts.

The department of pharmaceuticals (DoP) is in the final stages of issuing an ordinance mandating the Uniform Code for Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices (UCPMP) for the drug manufacturing industry. The order will cover doctors, chemists and hospitals and states.

The government is also considering a blanket ban on expensive freebies such as cruise or vacation tickets and sponsored educational conferences and seminars that can be means of making payments and offering benefits.


By November 2014, the DoP had published the first UCPMP project for a six-month period beginning January 1, 2015. It was suggested that the code be reviewed and, if the industry does not regularize, mandatory . According to the proposal, a physician must bear his costs if he participates as a "delegate" at a conference or seminar organized by a pharmaceutical company. Companies are also prohibited from extending hospitality to any doctor, health professional or their family.

The health ministry and Medical Council of India have been consulted on the decision. Once the executive order is issued by DoP, the code will be binding on all the stakeholders and any violation of the norms will attract punishment and penalty. “It can vary from a warning to cancellation of licence depending upon the extent of violation,” the official said. The proposal also includes suggestions to form an ethical committee which will investigate and take decisions if there are complaints of violation. “The proposal for the order is with the health minister and will be announced any time soon,” a senior official told TOI.

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