Today on 4th April 2016, first report of The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) announcing national level rankings in categories of Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Universities were announced. NIRF is an initiative by the Ministry of Human Resouce Development and launched by Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development on 29th September, 2015. It aims to rank insititutes on objective parameters on national scale which can help in promoting healthy cometition among the institues and can provide better information to various stakeholders of the society.
This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendations broad understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by MHRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various universities and institutions. The parameters broadly cover “Teaching, Learning and Resources,” “Research and Professional Practices,” “Graduation Outcomes,” “Outreach and Inclusivity,” and “Perception”.
Although the Ranking Frameworks are similar, the exact methodologies are domain specific. Ranking methods have been worked out for 6 categories of institutions i.e., Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Architecture, Universities and Colleges.
As per NIRF ranking for Pharmacy education category, Instiute of Pharmacy - Nirma University has been declared as 5th best college.
Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University becomes best college of Gujarat as per NIRF 2016 rankings.
It is the youngest institute among top 5 pharmacy institutes in the country.
It is 2nd ranked Pharmacy college across India in Self-financed category as per NIRF 2016 ranking.