Telangana government has embarked on ‘e-arogyam’, an online e-medicine centre in all the government hospitals. The main aim of this programme is to provide quality healthcare services to poor patients in the rural areas.
As a significant step in this direction to improving accessibility and quality of healthcare, launch of ‘e-arogyam’ health centres at the PHCs and CHCs will definitely cater better services to the patients in the rural areas. Sources in the health department informed that these e-arogyam health centres will be linked with district hospital online to provide 24-hour medical services to the people. The main objective of launching the e-arogyam centres is to cater to the timely needs of the patients in the rural PHCs and CHCs.
The first ‘e-arogyam’ online health centre at Jadcherla is launched on a pilot basis. Based on its success, the state government is planning to extend such online facilities to all the 10 districts in a phased manner.
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