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Humans, Monkeys See Same Visual Illusions





Clinical research courses

Researchers from Georgia State University reports that monkeys perceive visual illusions in the same way as apes and humans see them in their daily life. The findings were published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition.

The research team conducted two computer experiments with human adults and monkeys. In the study, capuchin monkeys and rhesus monkeys saw the Delbouef illusion in a manner similar to human adults. The Delboeuf illusion is one type of visual illusion where a dot surrounded by a large ring is typically perceived by humans to be smaller than the same-sized dot surrounded by a small ring. This occurs because the ring creates a specific context in which the dots are perceived.

"The results show that monkeys are an appropriate model for studying human perception and that contextual cues affect perception in ways that are shared across species," said Audrey Parrish, graduate student at Georgia State.

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