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Hospira launches generic bivalirudin for injection in US market

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The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted marketing approval for Hospira, Inc.'s bivalirudin for injection, a generic version of The Medicines Company's Angiomax.

Hospira's bivalirudin for injection is available in a single-dose flip-top vial, which matches the current branded offering available.  It is Available as a lyophilized (powder) format, Hospira's bivalirudin for injection is a direct thrombin inhibitor indicated for use as an anticoagulant in patients. Bivalirudin is intended for use with aspirin.

Company plans to launch a differentiated presentation of the 250 mg bivalirudin for injection in Hospira's unique ADD-Vantage vial.

Hospira, Inc. is the world's leading provider of injectable drugs and infusion technologies, and a global leader in biosimilars. Hospira's specialty injectable pharmaceuticals (SIP) offering includes approximately 200 generic injectable drugs in many dosages and formulations.

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