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BioSyent Pharma announces the Canadian Launch of CYSVIEW(R) (Hexaminolevulinate Hydrochloride)

Clinical research courses

BioSyent Inc. ("BioSyent") announced that its subsidiary BioSyent Pharma Inc. has commenced the Canadian launch of CYSVIEW®, a new photosensitizer for the detection and management of papillary Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC).

Bladder cancer like many cancers is a life threatening disease. In Canada, it is the 4th most common cancer in men and the 12th most common cancer in women. Each year over 8,000 patients are diagnosed with bladder cancer and over 70% of these patients have Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.

CYSVIEW® is used with blue light cystoscopy to detect papillary Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer in patients with known or suspected bladder cancer. It selectively targets tumour cells in the bladder and causes them to emit a red fluorescence against a dark blue background of healthy tissue under blue light cystoscopy. This makes the tumours easier to see and remove. Studies show that 24.9% of patients had tumours that were detected by CYSVIEW® with blue light cystoscopy which were not detected by the current standard of care.
This improved detection of bladder cancer tumours gives doctors a better ability to remove the tumour. This results in lower rates of cancer recurrence and increased time to the next recurrence.

CYSVIEW® has been approved by Health Canada and is also approved across Europe (branded as Hexvix®) and the U.S. (branded as CYSVIEW®). It is recommended by the European Association of Urology (EAU), the U.S. treatment guidelines on NMIBC, and a number of expert panels because of the benefit it brings to treating cancer. "BioSyent is proud to bring this innovative technology to Canada to help doctors better detect and manage bladder cancer" said Rene Goehrum, President and CEO of BioSyent. "This marks a further step in executing against our mission to source and market innovative pharmaceutical products that improve the lives of Canadian patients and support the healthcare providers that treat them."

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