Ajanta Pharma, a Rs. 1,450 crore plus Mumbai based pharma major, has received the third largest wealth creator award from Fortune India. Fortune India has published list of 500 mid-size companies and ranked them on various parameters based on the results of 2013-14. Similarly, Ajanta Pharma ranked tenth on return on capital employed, 21st in net profit and 182nd in sales.
The awards were presented by Piyush Goyal, minister of state for power, coal, new & renewable energy, government of India to Yogesh Agrawal, managing director and Rajesh Agrawal, joint managing director of the company.
Ajanta is an leading speciality generic company with clear focus on fast growing therapeutic segments of cardiology, ophthalmology, dermatology, anti-malarials and pain management. In the emerging market the company has presence in more than 35 countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East, CIS and Latin America.
The company is now building a portfolio of ANDAs for the regulated market of USA and has entered this market with its maiden product.
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