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Application are invited for the post of Assistant Professor in Dibrugarh University

Clinical research courses

Dibrugarh University, the easternmost University of India was set up in 1965 under the provisions of the Dibrugarh University Act, 1965 enacted by the Assam Legislative Assembly. It is a teaching-cum-affiliating University with limited residential facilities. The University is situated at Rajabheta at a distance of about five kilometres to the south of the premier town of Dibrugarh in the eastern part of Assam as well as India. Dibrugarh, a commercially and industrially advanced town in the entire northeastern region also enjoys a unique place in the fields of Art, Literature and Culture. The district of Dibrugarh is well known for its vast treasure of minerals (including oil and natural gas and coal), flora and fauna and largest concentration of tea plantations. The diverse tribes with their distinct dialects, customs, traditions and culture form a polychromatic ethnic mosaic, which becomes a paradise for the study of Anthropology and Sociology, besides art and culture. The Dibrugarh University Campus is wel l linked by roads, rails, air and waterways.

Post: Assistant Professor

Applications (8 copies) in the prescribed form of the University are invited from the intending eligible candidates having UGC / AICTE norms and having uniformly good academic career for the following posts so as to reach the undersigned on or before 09/11/2012, alongwith a Bank Draft of Rs. 200/- in favour of the Registrar, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh payable at SBI, Dibrugarh University Branch (Branch Code- 2051).

Pharm. Sciences (3)
(Post No. 1): [Reserved for S.C. Locomotor disability] Spl. Pharmaceutics.
(Post No. 2): 1st Class M. Pharm. having basic degree in Pharmacy. Spl. Pharmacognosy.
(Post No. 3): 1st Class M. Pharm. having basic degree in Pharmacy. Spl. Pharmacology.

Prescribed application form for the above posts can be downloaded from the University’s website

N.B.(i) - Schedule of interview for the above posts shall be made available at the
University’s website (ii) - The applicants who applied earlier for the post of Assistant Professor (Spl. Physical Anthropology) as per advt. No. 7/2011 dt. 04.11.2011 need not apply again. But they may submit applications if their academic career has been upgraded (iii) 8(eight) copies of Application form much be submitted.

(I) Eligibility :
(1) The applicant must be a citizen of India.
(2) He / She must be medically fit both in mind and in body – a certificate duly signed by the District Medical Officer, Dibrugarh District or any competent Registered Medical Officer, approved by the Vice-Chancellor, shall have to be produced by any person who has been appointed as a Teacher, before / she is allowed to join. Provided that in the case of a person already in service of the Dibrugarh University, such a Medical Certificate shall not be required.
(3) A certificate about good character from the Head of the Institution last attended or served shall ordinarily accompany an application for any post of a Teacher if he / she is not already in service of the University.
(4) The candidate must possess the minimum qualifications for the post.

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(II) General Qualifications, Experience and Requirements :
Assistant Professor : Minimum Qualification and Experience :
i. Good academic record as defined by the concerned university with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s Degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.
ii. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET. or Ph.D. Degree (under new regulation)
iii. NET/SLET/SET shall not be required for such Masters Programmes in disciplines for which NET/SLET/SET is not conducted.

For the Posts of Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering & Technology :
i. First Class Master’s Degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering (Engg.) & Technology (Tech).

ii. Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable:
(a) Teaching, research industrial and / or professional experience in a reputed organization;
(b) Papers presented at Conferences and / or in refereed journals.

Pay Band: Rs. 15,600-39,100 + AGP Rs. 6,000/-.

Conditions to be fulfilled after appointment :
(1) A person appointed to the post of a Teacher shall join within one month from the date of issue of appointment order, failing which the appointment order is liable to be cancelled, provided that in exceptional circumstances, the Vice-Chancellor may extend this period.

(2) Before a person appointed to the post of a Teacher joins in his / her post, he / she shall execute an agreement with the university that he / she shall strictly abide by the provisions of the Acts and the Ordinances. A Teacher shall also undertake in the agreement to submit to the Vice-Chancellor a self-appraisal report of his / her performance annually.

(3) Every person appointed permanently to a post of Teacher shall be on probation for a period of one year. Provided that the period of probation may, for good and sufficient reasons, be extended by the Executive Council for another period not exceeding one year.

(4) Every person appointed permanently to a post of Teacher, on satisfactory completion of his / her period of probation, shall be confirmed in the post unless he / she is considered unfit for confirmation.

(5) The person, after joining the post of Teacher, will be subjected to the provisions of the Dibrugarh University Teachers’ Service Conditions Ordinance.

Advt. No. A-5/2012

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