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Application invited for Associate Professor in The Himachal Pradesh University

Clinical research courses

The Himachal Pradesh University was founded on July 22, 1970. It is located at Summer Hill which is at a distance of 5 kms from the main town, Shimla. The University is nestled amidst tall and lush green trees of deodars, oats, pines and rhododendrons. The location of the University presents a panoramic natural view among the woods, settled around Summer Hill. The camps where one half bathes in the fresh sun towards the east and another half in the grandeur of unique sunset on the West. Overlooking snow peaked majestic mountain ranges add to the lofty ideals and vision of the university. Its salubrious climate and calmness presents congenial atmosphere to pursue higher studies.

Post: Associate Professor

Applications on prescribed form along with a crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs.400/- (Rupees 100/-for SC/ST candidates) payable to the Finance Officer, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171005, are invited for following Teaching /Non-teaching posts so as to reach Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Section, H.P. University, Shimla-171005 by 25.11.2011

(Pay Scale Rs.37400-67000+AGP 9000) for the following subjects in Post Graduate Centre, HPU, Shimla-5:
Chemistry—5(1-Inorganic Chemistry, 1-Pharmaceutical/ Organic Chemistry, 3-Physical Chemistry(1 for PWD-OL, PD, OA,OAL

The qualifications for the above posts are the same as prescribed by the UGC and adopted by the University from time to time.

The eligibility of the candidates will be determined on the basis of qualifications alongwith published work acquired by them up to the last date fixed for receipt of applications. For ascertaining educational qualification, experience and other conditions for the posts advertised, the candidate may visit UGC Website and also go through the contents of UGC circular No. F.3-1/2009 dates 28-6-2010. However, a set of qualifications will be made available with the application form in respect of non-teaching posts.


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The University reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up these posts(s) or to call only limited/ suitable candidates for interview. The university also reserves the right to fill up these posts either on regular basis or on contract basis exemption being the post(s) of Professor, Associate Professor and statutory Officer in which case all appointments will be made on regular basis. The number of posts likely to be filled may vary.

Application forms can be obtained from the office of the Assistant Registrar Recruitment Section, H.P. University, Shimla-171 005 on payment of Rs.100/- (Rs. one hundred only) in cash or by making a written request accompanied by self-addressed envelope of 23 X 10 Cms. with postage stamps worth Rs.10/- affixed on it and Postal Orders for Rs.100/- (Rs. One hundred only) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, H.P. University, Shimla-5.



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