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Post for Technical Officer & System Analyst @ Jawaharlal Nehru University

Clinical research courses

The JNU campus is a microcosm of the Indian nation, drawing students from every nook and corner of the country and from every group and stratum of society. To make sure that this is so, annual admission tests are simultaneously held at 37 centres spread across the length and breadth of the country, and special care is taken to draw students from the underprivileged castes and ethic groups by reserving 22.5 per cent of seats for them. Overseas students form some 10 percent of the annual intake. Students' hostels and blocks of faculty residences are interspersed with one another, underlining the vision of a large Indian family.

Name of Post: Technical Officer

No. of Posts: 01 (UR)
Age Limit: 45 Years
Pay Band & Grade Pay: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 & Grade Pay Rs.5400/- Group ‘A’
Essential qualifications & Experience:
1. M.Sc. from any recognized University in Biological Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Medicine/ Immunology/ Genetics/ Zoology/Botany/any stream of Biological Sciences with First Division.
2. 06 years working and handling experience in Confocal Microscopy and Imaging in a reputed Laboratory/ industry, equipped and functional with Confocal/Imaging Facility.
3. Experience of Imaging of different kinds of biological/ non Biological samples is essential.
4. Experience in procurement and maintenance of Confocal/Imaging Facility.
5. Should have good communication and inter personal skills.
6. Working knowledge of computer is essential.

1. Degree in Instrumentation would be preferred.
2. The candidate should be able to operate and maintain the Confocal/Live Imaging Unit independently and assist in research related Imaging/ programme/work analysis.
3. The candidate should have managerial experience in order to manage the users of this facility and when needed is expected to assist in the day to day running of AIRF and also carry out any other duty assigned from time to time.
4. The candidate would need to plan, configure troubleshoot, maintain and coordinate for upgrading the hardware and software for the Live Imaging Facility.
5. The candidate should be able to maintain all software installed for the Live Imaging Facility.

Name of Post: System Analyst
No. of Posts: 01 (SC)
Age Limit: 45 Years
Pay Band & Grade Pay: PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 & Grade Pay Rs.5400/- Group ‘A’

Essential qualifications & Experience:
1. M.Sc. from any recognized University in Biological Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Molecular Medicine/ Immunology/ Genetics/ Zoology/Botany/any stream of Biological Sciences with First Division.
2. 06 years working and handling experience in Confocal Microscopy and Imaging in a reputed Laboratory/ industry, equipped and functional with Confocal/Imaging Facility.
3. Experience of Imaging of different kinds of biological/ non Biological samples is essential.
4. Experience in procurement and maintenance of Confocal/Imaging Facility.
5. Should have good communication and inter personal skills.
6. Working knowledge of computer is essential.

1. Prior experience in working on Mass Spectrometry as evidenced by research publications.
2. The candidate should be able to handle/operate and maintain the Mass Spectrometry Facility independently and assist in research related programme/ work analysis.
3. The candidate should have managerial experience in order to manage the users of the Mass Spectrometry Facility and when needed is expected to assist in the day to day running of AIRF and also carry out any other duty assigned from time to time.
4. Ph.D degree is desirable and should preferably have a first division throughout the academic career.
5. The candidate should be able to handle Laboratory/ classroom/ seminar sessions/ LCD projectors and computer audio visual equipments for seminars/research based training programmes.

General conditions:
1. Age relaxation will be given to SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-servicemen candidates as per rules, applicable from time to time.
2. There shall be no upper age limit for departmental candidates for recruitment to the posts carrying Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- and above.
3. Persons already in service in Govt./Autonomous/PSU should apply through proper channel.
4. Merely possessing the prescribed qualifications and requisite experience would not entitle a person to be called for the written test/interview.
5. The University reserves the right:

(a)  to fix criteria for screening the applications so as to reduce the number of candidates to be called for interview;
(b) to conduct written tests to further shortlist the candidates for such posts where no test is prescribed in the recruitment rules and a large number of applications are received;
(c) the panel formed shall be normally operative for one year;
(d)  relax any of the qualifications/experience/age at its discretion; and
(e)  not to fill up any of the advertised positions.


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6.Where the written test is conducted for short-listing of candidates, it should not be construed as a merit test; the selection will be made on the basis of performance in the interview, academic qualifications, experience etc. and on the recommendation of Selection Committee.
7. Reservation for OBCs shall not apply to certain persons/sections as mentioned in Govt. of India, Deptt. of Personnel & Training OM No.36012/22/93-Estt. SCT dated 8.9.1993 as amended from time to time.  Reservation for OBC is applicable only to those mentioned in the Central List of OBC’s as mentioned in OM No.12011/68/93-BCC (C) dated 10.09.93 and as amended from time to time.
8. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the relevant disability shall alone be eligible for appointment against the posts reserved for Physically Handicapped candidates.
9. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH categories are required to submit their respective caste/disability certificate in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India.
10. Knowledge of Computer Application is necessary for all posts.
11. The number of vacancies is subject to change and the University reserves the full right in the matter, and may even decide not to fill up the posts, as per existing situation or requirements etc.
12. Both ways second-class (sleeper) train fare/ordinary bus fare by the shortest route is payable, subject to production of tickets, to the outstation candidates invited for test/interview.
13. A separate application is to be submitted for each post.
14. Incomplete applications shall liable to be rejected.
15. Applications received after last date shall not be entertained. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay.
16. Format of applications are available in the University website.
17. Application fee:

Category of postsFee for General & OBC categoryFor SC/ST/PH categoryMode of payment
The Group ‘A’ posts carrying Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- and above

Rs.500/- per post

Demand Draft in favour of Finance Officer, Jawaharlal Nehru University, payable at New Delhi.
The Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts carrying Grade Pay below Rs.5400/-Rs.300/- per post-

The eligible and interested persons may apply online in the format available in the University website Applicants are also required to download the filled in online application and submit the same  alongwith  one  passport  size  photograph, application fee  and  attested  copies  of  the certificates of educational  qualifications,  date of birth,  experience, caste, PH  etc. to Dy. Registrar (Admn.), Room No. 302, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 within 30 days (i.e. 28th November 2011) of the publication of this advertisement in the Employment News dated 29th October 2011.

Application Fee

Instruction for Online Application


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