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Opportunity for Pharmacist in WBSEDCL

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West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL), a wholly-owned profit-making and professionally managed Government of West Bengal Enterprise, engaged in the business of Power Distribution and Hydel Power Generation in major parts of the State of West Bengal with Customer Base exceeding 1.25 crore, Employee Strength of around 17,000 and Annual Turnover of Rs. 14,000 crore invites applications from Indian Nationals to fill up the following vacant posts immediately:

Post: Pharmacist

No.of post: 02 UR-1, SC-1

Scale of Pay: Rs. 6,300/- to Rs. 20,200/- with Grade Pay Rs. 3,600/-

Gross Salary (Approx): Rs. 20600/-

Qualification/Experience: Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institute recognized by AICTE.

For the post of ITI Trainee, the candidates selected will be paid a monthly Stipend of 10,000/- during the period of Training.

Other Facilities:
In addition to Basic Pay and Grade Pay, the posts also carries DA, HRA, Medical Allowance, Electricity Allowance, Hill Compensatory Allowance, Project Allowance (depending on the place of posting), LTC / HTC, CPF, Gratuity, benefits for indoor treatment in leading hospitals for Self & Dependents, Leave Encashment and other facilities as per the Rules of the Company.

Career Prospect:
The Company offers professional work environment with modern technology & system. The Company is in the process of modernizing and updating its activities with IT enabled services. It offers time-bound mode of promotion to the employees with higher responsibility depending upon their sincerity, initiative and merit. On successful completion of probation, they may be confirmed under the Company. Candidates are required to furnish a bond of 80,000/- at the time of joining the Company and are required to serve the Company for a minimum period of 4 years from the date of joining.

Age Limit:
Minimum 18 years and maximum 27 years as on 01.01.2013 for the post of Pharmacist & ITI Trainee and minimum 18 years and maximum 30 years as on 01.01.2013 for the post of Nurse with relaxation of 3 Years for OBC (A) & OBC (B) and 5 Years for SC & ST candidates of West Bengal only. Ex-Serviceman candidates will get age relaxation as per rules of Govt. of West Bengal (For Ex-Serviceman: Age of the candidate - (Minus) Total Service Length given (Minimum 6 months) subject to maximum relaxation of 3 years from upper age limit as per Govt. Rules). Candidates in the category of SC, ST and OBC from State other than West Bengal need to be treated as Unreserved candidate.

Processing & Examination Fees:
A sum of Rs. 250/- shall be deposited as application fees by the candidates. Fee should be deposited in any branch of United Bank of India through a triplicate CHALLAN. The candidate will download the CHALLAN from the website of the Company and have to take a printout of the same in A4 size paper and will have to be deposited in any branch of United Bank of India along with disposition fees. After depositing fees, bank will provide Transaction ID and SOL ID which are required to write at the proper place in the Application Form by the candidates. One copy of CHALLAN to be retained by the bank and two copies of CHALLAN to be handed over to the candidate by the bank. The candidate will retain Applicant’s copy of CHALLAN and WBSEDCL’s copy of CHALLAN to be sent by the candidate along with hard copy of credentials. Bank will charge Rs. 22/- additional as Bank’s Service Charge. No fees need be collected from SC / ST / Exempted Category Candidates. Application Fees will have to be deposited from 29.10.2013 to 20.11.2013 during the banking hours. Demand Draft/Money Order/Postal Order or any other mode of payment is not acceptable. PH candidates shall pay Rs. 150/-.

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General Instruction:
1. The last date of online application is 20.11.2013 (Midnight).
2. No Hand Written application would be entertained.
3. Registration Slip with more than one WBSEDCL’s CHALLAN Copy will be rejected.
4. The candidature of such candidate whose registration slip along with documents is received after 30.11.2013 shall not be considered. WBSEDCL will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay and loss in transit.
5. Candidates will be allowed to appear for the Written Test only with the Admit Card and not with the Registration Slip.
6. Candidates should retain Applicant’s copy of CHALLAN and a photocopy of their Registration Slip for future reference.
7. WBSEDCL reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge / modify / alter the recruitment process, if requires, without issuing any further notice, reference or assigning any reason thereafter.
8. Candidate employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies shall have to produce NOC at the time of interview. Other wise their candidature may be cancelled at that stage.
9. In case of any ambiguity / dispute on account of interpretation in versions other than English, the English version will prevail.
10. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be in Kolkata.
11. While applying for the above posts, the applicant must ensure that he / she fulfill the eligibility including academic and professional qualifications as per advertisement and other norms mentioned above. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment / selection (i.e. during written test/ interview/ verification of documents etc.) that a candidate does not fulfill the prescribed eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect / false / wrong information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice. No application/prayer for relaxation of eligibility norms will be entertained by the company.
12. The candidates are requested to go through the layout of qualifications and other particulars carefully before registrations and sending examination fees and other documents.
13. It will be the candidate’s prerogative to ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria before applying.
14. Candidates must remain in constant touch with company’s website at career @ WBSEDCL for information regarding dates of Written Test / Interview etc.
15. Category [SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged etc] once entered at the time of online registration shall not be allowed to be changed under any circumstance and no benefits of other category will be admissible later on.
16. All correspondence with candidates shall be done through E-mail / SMS only. All information regarding examination schedule / downloading of admit card / interview call letters etc. shall be uploaded in Company’s website and will be provided to the concerned candidate through E-mail / SMS. The candidates will be responsible for receiving, downloading and printing of admit card / interview call letter / any other information. WBSEDCL will not be responsible for any loss of E-mail / SMS sent, due to invalid / wrong E-mail ID / Mobile No. provided by the candidate or for delay / not receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his / her mail in time.
17. No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained. However, WBSEDCL reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response in that area / centre.
18. If the SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged certificate has been issued in a language other than English / Hindi, the candidates will be required to submit a self certified translated copy of the certificate either in English or Hindi.
19. Only original Registration Slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted. In case of any overwriting or tampering of Registration Slip, the candidature of the candidate shall be rejected.
20. Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite documents would be summarily rejected. Willful suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
21. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.
22. Candidates must fulfill the essential qualification as per layout as shown herein above by the closing date of Online Registration. Application from Candidates who will acquire the prescribed qualifications after the closing date of online registration will not be entertained.
23. WBSEDCL shall take no responsibility in case of failure in registration, failure to download Admit Card / Call Letter for appearing in the various stages of selection test.
24. This is to be noted that mere submission of application or receipt of Admit Card / Call Letter or appearance in examination does not guarantee in selection / appointment in the respective post. Selection of candidates will be made strictly based on merit position, available vacancy, verification of original documents / certificates, clear police verification report and medical test.
25. Mobile No. & E-mail ID once given can not be changed by the candidate under any circumstances. All correspondence / communication / information to the candidates will be made through their Mobile No. / E-mail ID. Candidates are advised to regularly get in touch with above two things. Candidates are further advised to regularly visit WBSEDCL’s website ( to get updated information.
26. Fees once paid can not be refunded under any circumstances.
27. A candidate must abide by the instructions as may be given by the supervisor / invigilator of the Examination Hall / Room. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct he / she will render himself / herself liable to expulsion from the examination hall or such other punishment as the authority fit to impose.

Commencement of online registration of applications by candidates: 29.10.2013
Last date for online registration by the candidates: 20.11.2013
Last date for accepting registration slips, CHALLAN for payment with required documents by post: 30.11.2013
Downloading of Admit Card for Written Examination: 12.12.2013
Date of Written Examination: 22.12.2013

Notification No. MPP/2013/08


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