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Join Bhilai Steel Plant, SAIL as Pharmacist (Trainee) - 2 posts

Clinical research courses

The JLN Hospital & Research Centre (JLNHRC), Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) is run by Steel Authority of India Limited. The 860 bedded JLN Hospital & Research Centre is a prestigious Medical Institution situated in the heart of Chhattisgarh. It not only provides comprehensive health care to approximately 30,000 employees of Bhilai Steel Plant and their dependents but also to the whole of the region. It is a prime referral centre to the neighbouring areas within a radius of 400-450 km offering tertiary-level patient care. The institution is having all basic specialities and is well-supported by super-speciality services like Neurology, Neuro-Surgery, Gastro-Enterology, Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery and Investigative Services with latest equipments. The institution is reputed for its state-of-the-art 22 bedded ICU/ICCU complex, 22 bedded Bums Unit, 36 bedded Radiation & Medical Oncology unit, National Model OHS Centre, Hospital at Mines, various Health Centres etc. The institution is recognized for DNB Post Graduate training by National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, in 12 disciplines.

Post: Pharmacist (Trainee)

No.of Post: 2- UR

Pay Scale Rs. & Scale Code: 9160-3% 13150 [s-3]

Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy or 10+2 with Diploma in Pharmacy of 2 years duration, and registered with Indian/State Pharmacy council; and with 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital/nursing home as on 01.05.13.

Age: Minimum 18 yrs. & Maximum 28 yrs. as on 01.05.2013.

Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates with respect to posts reserved for them. For PwD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates upper age is relaxable by 10years. Cumulative age relaxation is available for those PwD candidates who belong to SC/ST/OBC category.

Eligible candidates for the post of Consultant and Sr. Medical Officer will be required to appear in interview.
For the posts of Jr. Nursing Sister (Trainee) and Pharmacist (Trainee), eligible candidates will appear in Written Test. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Written Test will be intimated to appear in Interview.
Information regarding Written Test and Interview will be provided in the Admit Card and through our website

Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online through SAIL's website: (Career with SAIL). No other means/mode of application will be accepted.Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms. Their registration will be provisional as their eligibility will be verified only at the time of Interview. Mere issue of admit card/Interview call letter will not imply acceptance of candidature. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage.

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Before registering their applications on the website the candidates should possess the following:
a) Valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid for at least one year.
b) Pay in Slip(SBI Challan) of? 500/-for the posts of Consultant and Sr. Medical Officer as application and processing fee for General and OBC candidates. SC/ST/PwD/departmental candidates to possess Pay in Slip of? 100/- only as processing fee. For the posts of Jr. Nursing Sister (Trainee) and Pharmacist (Trainee), Pay in Slip (SBI Challan) of ? 250/- as application and processing fee for General and OBC candidates. SC/ST/PwD/departmental candidates to possess Pay in Slip of ? 50/- only as processing fee.
The Pay in Slip (SBI Challan) is to be downloaded from the website after filling in the required details.
c) Candidates should have latest passport size photograph as well as photograph of signature in digital form (.jpg or jpeg only of less than 500 kb size) for uploading with the application form.
d) Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application. The same will be available in the website itself.

After applying online, the candidate is required to download the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details.

• Candidates not fulfilling the required criteria need not apply.
• Apart from Basic Pay, the pay scales carry Industrial DA, Perks & Non Practicing Allowance (for Doctors only), company accommodation (subject to availability) or House Rent Allowance, free medical facility for self and dependents, CPF, Gratuity etc. as admissible as per company rules,
• Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. Bhilai Steel Plant reserves the right to reject the applications and no communication in this regard will be made with the applicant.
• Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process will disqualify the candidate.
• SAIL/BSP reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards and / or relax age, criteria in otherwise suitable cases. The Management reserves the right to fill or not to fill all or any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. In case large no. of applications are received, shortlisting will be done. Mere fulfilling of the eligibility criteria will not entitle the applicant to be considered for the selection process.
• The prescribed qualification / experience are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate for written test/interview. SAIL/ BSP's decision shall be final in this regard.
• Selected candidates shall also be required to serve in any of the mines owned by Bhilai Steel Plant.
• The advertisement is available at SAIL website Any subsequent changes if made in the employment notice shall be communicated through the website. Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated of the changes if any.
• The vacancies shown are provisional and liable to be increased or decreased or may be reduced to nil; in which case Bhilai Steel Plant is not liable to compensate the applicant for the consequential damages.



Starting date for submitting applications through website



Closing date for submitting applications through website



Availability of Payment Reconciliation Status with edit option

Information will be provided later on in the website


Closing of payment editing option


Display of final reconciliation status


Starting date for downloading of Admit Card from SAIL website for written examination


Tentative Date of Written Test / Interview


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