Nestled in the Sivalik Range of the Himalayas, away from the bustle of the metropolis, a new abode of learning has germinated. A few hours before the Himalayan resort Kullu in Himachal Pradesh, once considered "the end of the habitable world", the youngest IIT is coming up. The location is the forested hills of Kamand on the banks of the Uhl, a tributary of River Beas. The historic town Mandi is 12 km away.
Applications on the prescribed Application Form are invited from Indian Nationals for the following Non-Teaching positions at IIT Mandi.
Post: Pharmacist
Job Description:
(i) Matriculation or equivalent
(ii) Diploma or degree in Pharmacy granted by an institution of the Central/State Govt. or an Institution recognised by the Central or State Govt.
(iii) Should be registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
Pay Band: PB-1(Rs 5200-20200) GP-2800
1. All posts are tenable at Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.
2. All posts listed above will be on contract basis for up to five years initially.
3. For availing the benefit of OBC category, the relevant candidates may enclose the OBC Non Creamy layer certificate issued within one year of the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications on the proforma prescribed by the Government of India alongwith the application form.
4. Applicants must clearly fill the name of post against which he/she has applied alongwith his/her category in the form clearly. The last date for submission of duly completed applications alongwith attested copy of certificates in the Institute will be 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News; thereafter no applications will be entertained.
5. Institute reserves the right to fill up the posts, not to fill up the posts or cancel the advertisement in whole or partly without assigning any reason. The Institute will also reserve the right to place a reasonable limit on the total number of candidates to be called for written test/or interviews. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final.
6. Incomplete applications/without relevant supporting enclosures/ without prescribed fee/ application not on prescribed form will be out rightly rejected. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay.
7. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding conduct and result of test/or interview and reasons for not being called for test/or interview.
8. Fluency in English is required for the posts listed.
9. The candidates fulfilling the laid down eligibility criteria may submit their application on the prescribed Application Form alongwith testimonials; prescribed application fee; and latest passport size photograph to Registrar, IIT Mandi, Old PWD Rest House, Near Bus Stand Mandi, Mandi-175001 (HP). The envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post of _________________). The application received after the due date shall not be considered.
10. The prescribed Application Forms can be obtained from the Registrar, IIT Mandi in person or by sending a self addressed envelope of size 10" x 4", stamped (Rs.10/- or Rs.27/- if required by registered post). The outer cover of request should be superscribed "Request for Application Form – Advertisement No ". Such postal requests should reach IIT Mandi, at least 10 days before the last date of receipt of application form.
11. The Institute reserves the right to (a) conduct or not conduct written/trade tests for such posts wherever the circumstances so warrant or may constitute a Screening Committee to fix a criteria after taking into account the qualification and experience of the applicants to shortlist candidates to be called for written test/interview (b) not to fill any of the advertised positions (c) fill consequential vacancies including additional posts arising at the time of interview from available candidates by direct recruitment /deputation /contract. The number of positions is thus open to change. The candidates should therefore furnish details of all the qualifications and experience possessed in the relevant field over and above the minimum qualifications prescribed alongwith documentary evidence.
12. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the written test/Interview. However the SC/ST/PH candidates will be paid second /sleeper class railway/bus fare by shortest route subsequently by cheque.
13. Candidates desirous of applying for more than one post should send separate application for each post along with prescribed fee and attested copies of certificates and testimonials as required.
14. Application fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
15. Applicants who are in employment with Government, Semi- Government, Autonomous Bodies, PSUs etc. should route their applications through proper channel or should furnish No Objection Certificate at the time of Interview.
16. Eligibility of a candidate with regard to qualification and experience shall be calculated /considered with reference to last date for the receipt for applications.
17. The Institute shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated.
18. The prescribed application form can also be downloaded from the website of IIT Mandi (
19. The application fee of Rs.100/-is to be paid by a Demand Draft in favour of Registrar Indian Institute of Technology Mandi payable at State Bank of India, IIT Mandi Branch (SBIN 0000676). No application fee is required from the SC/ST candidates and Persons with Disabilities.
20. The upper age limit for posts at Sr. No.1 is 45 years and for posts at Sr. No. 2 to 9 preferably below 35 years, relaxable in case of exceptional candidates. Age relaxation for reserved candidates is 5 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 3 years in case of OBC candidates only if the post is reserved for these categories.
Advertisement No. IIT MANDI/NT/2012 Dated 13.3.2012
LAST DATE: 12.04.2012
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