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Walk-in-Interview for thw post of Pharmacist @ Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education (LNUPE)

Clinical research courses

The Institute was established by Govt. of India as National College of Physical Education in 17th  August 1957, the centenary year of the War of Independence, and located at Gwalior, where Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi, a valiant heroine of the war, had laid her life. The Institute was named after her as a tribute to her role in the glorious freedom struggle. The main purpose of establishing this institute was to up - grade the status of physical education by offering degree and post-graduate course for the first time in the country. Bachelor's degree programme was started in 1957 and a two year Master's Degree course was introduced in 1963. In 1980 it became the first institution in India to offer one year degree programme of Master of Philosophy in Physical Education.

Post: Pharmacist

The University invites eligible and interested candidates to appear in the Walk-in-Interview on the dates indicated against the posts on pure contractual basis, without any right or likelihood of permanent appointments, for the following positions for a period of one year or one academic session, as the case may be, depending upon actual requirements based on running the Courses


Health Centre

: Date of walk-in Interview 27.6.2011

Male Pharmacist


1.   Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University/lnstitme.

Rs. 8000 -

The candidates are required to bring a copy of their bio-data along with all the supporting documents in respect of educational qualification and experience at 10:30 AM on the respective'said dates. The University reserves the right to appoint or not to appoint on all or any of the above positions based on the requirement of the Institute. However, the interested candidates may refer to our detailed notice on our website to ascertain their eligibility based on the qualification prescribed therein.

The qualification may be relaxed in exceptional cases at the discretion of Competent Authority, if sufficient numbers of candidates are not available.

No.: Admn/138/2011/44

Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education, Gwalior
(Declared under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 vide GOI. Ministry of HRD Notification No. F. 9-14/92-U.3 dated 21.9.1996)

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