Panacea Biotec is a leading research based Health Management Company, with an annual turnover of approx. Rs. 830 Crores. We are engaged in research, development, manufacture & marketing of Vaccines, Bio-Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceuticals (Rx & OTC) of international quality and Health Services. All Panacea Biotec plants are accredited by international agencies and they follow current Good Manufacturing Practices, as per WHO guidelines.We offer stimulating work environment & a career that spells growth. In tune with our plans, we require young, aggressive, dynamic, high performing and result oriented professional.
Post: GM-QA, AGM/DGM-QA, AGM-QC, Animal House
Post: GM-QA
Postcode: QA-1,
Location: Lalru&Baddi,
No.of Position: 2
Qualification & Experience : Ph. D & M. Sc - Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology/ Chemistry/ Life Science/ related field with 15 to 20 years relevant experience.
Job Description:
• Demonstrate Comprehensive leadership and management of Quality Management System (QMS)
• Design & demonstrate strong and visible support for the QMS and ensure its implementation throughout the Plant
• Establish quality culture as a way of life across Manufacturing.
• Lead and build Empowered QA Teams and provide them continuous support in achieving quality output.
• Oversee the quality assurance operations and ensures that products are manufactured, tested released in a way that takes account of the requirements of cGMP and other regulatory requirements.
• Conduct product and process quality checks following established work instructions and sampling plans, and ensure that all products and processes meet the standards, Customer quality requirements, and regulatory requirements and regulatory requisites
• To ensure that managerial responsibilities are clearly specified in job descriptions and personnel are trained/retrained effectively for the operation and procedures accordingtotheirjobdescription
• To ensure that there is a procedure for self-inspection and/or quality audit that regularly appraises the effectiveness and
• To ensure that the systems and procedures are in place for the procurement and use of the specified materials, all necessary controls on bulk products and other in-process controlsare being performed as per specified procedures
• Maintain all cGMP related documentation to current standards & needs, and continuous improvement of the documentation system and data management processes
Designation: AGM/DGM-QA
Postcode: QA-2,
Location: Lalru,
No.of Position: 1
Qualification & Experience : Ph. D & M. Sc - Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/Microbiology/ Chemistry / Life Science /related field with 12 to 15 years relevant experience.
Job Description:
• Conduct product and process quality checks following established work instructions and sampling plans, and ensure that all products and processes meet the standards and regulatory requirements.
• Provide expertise on product and process quality and compliance issues
• Foster advanced QA and QC methodologies to improve quality and compliance while simplifying processes to promote a quality-based, cost conscious, continuously improving and self-challenging
• Lead Regulatoryinspections/audits.
• Maintain cGMP documentation to current standards & needs.
• Give directions and monitor the Quality activities of the manufacturing operations Centers of Excellence
• Assess industry trends across all areas of cGMP and anticipate the needs of both the company and the customers and communicate these trends and appropriate optionsforthecompany to pursue.
• Proactively monitor sources of trends, complaints, failures, deviations and changes to identify opportunities for system, process and product improvements.
• To ensure that the change controls are taken and approved as per defined procedures, deviations are reported, investigated and recorded;
• To ensure regular evaluations of the quality of products should be conducted with the objective of verifying the consistency of the process and ensuring its continuous improvement.
Designation: AGM-QC
Postcode: QC-1,
Location: Lalru,
No.of Position: 1
Qualification & Experience: Ph.D / M.Sc. in Biotech / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Life Science/related field with 12 to 15 years of relevant experience.
Job Description:
• Responsible for Overall QC activity including bench operations.
• Implementation of QMS as perWHO cGMP
• Propose new quality systems to improve the quality parameters and overall improvement in methods
• To lead the entire quality control team at the site
• Ensuring authorization of written procedures and other documents.including amendments
• Ensuring monitoring and control of the manufacturing environment
• Ensuring process validation and calibration of analytical apparatus
• Ensuring training,including the application and principles of quality assurance
• Ensuring designation and monitoring of storage conditions for materials and products
• Ensuring performance and evaluation of in-process controls
• To ensure good documentation practice of testing is carried outacrossthelab
Designation: AGM-Animal House
PostCode: AH-1,
Location: Lalru,
No.of Position: 1
Qualification & Experience : MVSC with 10 to 15 years of relevant experience
Job Description:
• Overall responsibility for the animal breeding and Experimentation.
• Well versed with the animal care, manage breeding and experimentation of laboratory animals.
• To organize and participate in Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Meeting for approval of in vivo testing protocols of all the locations.
• To supervise and set guidelines with respect to Breeding of different species of animals.
• To ensure that all the procedures followed in animal house are approved.
• To ensure the highest standards of Quality and compliance are maintained in Breeding and Experimentation.
• To maintain and upgrade the animal house as per CPCSEA norms.
• To supervise all the activities of Clinical laboratory of Animal House
• To co-ordinate with maintenance department, stores, accounts and administration for routine Animal House activities.
• To ensure appropriate training of the staffs handling animals and carrying testsfor skill update and enhancement.
• Budget plan for maintenance of Animal House and procurement of Animals.
• To Co-ordinate with the external agencies for the procurement of animals as and when required.
Desired Candidate Profile: The incumbents with demonstrated leadership ability & strong focus on quality safety & efficacy of products, along with experience of successfully facing USFDA, EU, UK-MHRA, WHO, CDSCO site audits, excellent understanding of cGMP & cGLP requirements, work experience in USFDA, EU, UK-MHRA approved Pharma/Biotechnology companies, problem solving approach, proven ability of leading successful team, proven ability with quality related testing issues,will be given preference
Young dynamic professionals with zeal to surmount challenges and create newer pathways should send their applications to within 10 days of publishing of this advertisement.
Last Date: 31st July, 2011
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