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Walk in for the post of Research Associate in National institute of Nutrition

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) was founded by Sir Robert McCarrison in the year 1918 as ‘Beri-Beri’ Enquiry Unit in a single room laboratory at the Pasteur Institute, Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. Within a short span of seven years, this unit blossomed into a "Deficiency Disease Enquiry" and later in 1928, emerged as full-fledged "Nutrition Research Laboratories" (NRL) with Dr. McCarrison as its first Director. It was shifted to Hyderabad in 1958.

Eligible candidates are invited to attend a WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on the following dates at 9.30 A.M. sharp for the following posts on the ad hoc research project entitled “Development and validation of an indigenous assay for Lp-PLA2 in identifying Indians at risk for early onset of coronary artery disease” at this Institute. The essential qualification, experience, consolidated salary and service tenure are as under:

Post: Research Assistant 1 No. (OBC)

Essential Qualifications: Three years Bachelor Degree in Bio-Chemistry/ Microbiology/ Bioscience Biotechnology from a recognized university with DMLT/ Certificate of one year duration or one year experience in he lower scale.

Desirable: One year experience in Research laboratory/M.Sc in Biochemistry/Microbiology/Bio Science/Biotechnology with distinction

Age: Below 30 years and relaxation of age is admissible for SC/ST/OBC/PH

Consolidated Salary: Rs.11,850/- p.m. (fixed) without any other allowances.

Tenure Initially for one year

The candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualification (from SSC onwards), experience and caste along with a photo and set of Photo copies duly attested while attending the Walk-in-Interview. The persons belongs to Other Backward Category should bring the O.B.C. Certificate issued by the respective concerned Thehsildar/ M.R.O.’s specifically issued for the purpose of applying for Central Government post. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interviews.

GENERAL CONDITIONS: The conditions of employment will be the same as are for the project staff on contract basis. The candidates have no right to claim for any regular employment at this Institute. The Director & Appointing Authority has the right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.

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