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Job as Scientific Manager - Biological Purification in India's Biotech Giant - Biocon

Clinical research courses

Biocon is a research-driven, global healthcare company with a strong matrix of capabilities along the biopharmaceutical value chain. Focusing on unmet medical needs in cancer, diabetes and inflammatory diseases, it offers novel therapies on a platform of affordable innovation.
Biocon together with group companies employs more than 2500 employees with approxmimately Rs 1,000 crore turnover and is expected to grow further during the current financial year.

Post: Scientific Manager - Biological Purification

Job Description:
This person would lead a team of scientists working on purification of biological molecules.
He would be responsible for providing leadership in developing efficient purification processes, creating intellectual property and develop and manage project timelines.
The person would play vital role in cross functional interactions and facilitate decision making. He should have excellent communication skills.

Technical/Functional Skills:
The person should have excellent understanding of theory and practice of purification processes.
The person should have adequate knowledge of state of the art analytical methods.
He should be able to communicate well by means of both written reports and verbal presentations to both internal groups and to customers.
He should be able to review and approve technical reports and articulate opinion on technical challenges.

Mtech/MS with 8-10 yrs
PhD with 5-7 yrs
In Chemical engineering/Bioprocess engineering
Bpharm – Mtech or PhD in similar discipline would also work

Additional Information:
Experience: 5-10 Years
Location: Bangalore
B.Pharm, M.Tech, Ph.D
Industry Type: Pharma/ Biotech/Clinical Research
Functional Area: R&D
End Date: 20th March, 2012
Job ID:


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