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The Indian Institute of Toxicology Research require Scientists in various Groups | Total 10 vacancies

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (IITR), established in 1965, a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) engaged in the Research & Development in the areas of Environmental Toxicology, Predictive Toxicology, Health Risk Assessment, Preventive Toxicology, Inhalation Toxicology, Analytical Toxicology, and also National S&T Missions. IITR has two campuses; the main campus is located at the centre of Lucknow City and the other campus at a distance of approx. 20 km from the main campus.
The institute is looking for brilliant dynamic and young personnel with proven record of scientific achievements and zeal for innovative Research. The candidate should exhibit high degree of motivation and be self driven with an ability to participate as well as provide leadership to several exciting programme in Sciences. Applications on the prescribed forms are invited from Indian Nationals for the following positions of Scientists

Scale of Pay: Rs. 15600-39100/-; Grade Pay Rs.6600/- (PB-3)
Age: Not more than 35 years.
Post 1:1 (Code A) MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY (03 Posts)
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS:- ME/M. Tech. in Biotechnology with two years practical experience in Molecular Biology /Molecular toxicology or Ph. D in Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Zoology/toxicology with one year
experience in Molecular Biology/Molecular Toxicology /Biotechnology.
DESIRABLE: Experience in the area of Molecular Biology/Molecular Toxicology with publications in SCI Journals.
JOB REQUIREEMNT: To work in the area of Molecular Toxicology/Nanomaterial Toxicology .

Post 1:1 (Code B) PATHOLOGY (01 Post)
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: M.D.(Pathology)with two years experience in relevant area or MVSc with two years practical experience in Laboratory animal tissue histology or Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences with one year experience in Laboratory Animal Histology.
DESIREABLE: Experience in the field of animal pathology with publications in SCI journals.
JOB REQUIREMENT: To work in the laboratory animal pathology following Chemical/NCEs exposure.

ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Ph. D. In Life Sciences/Biophysics with one year research experience in the relevant field.
DESIREABLE QUALIFICATION: Experience in characterization of biological/engineered nanomaterials as evidenced by publications in SCI journals.
JOB REQUIRMENT: To undertake studies on biological samples and characterization of material
including nanomaterials by transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

Post 1:1 (Code–D) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (01 Post)
ESSENTAIL QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in Chemistry with one year research experience in Analytical Chemistry.
DESIREABLE QUALIFICATION: Experience in analytical instrumental (GC/HPLC) analysis and knowledge of chemometrics/mathematical/statistical modeling as evidenced by publications in SCI journals.
JOB REQUIREMENT: Development of analytical methods and modeling assisted methods for chemical moieties in different matrices/media; exploratory data analysis and modeling.

Scale of Pay; Rs. 15600-39100/-; Grade Pay Rs.7600/- (PB-3)
Age: Not more than 40 years
Post 2:1 (Code-E) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (01 Post)
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in Chemistry with four years experience in synthesis of chemicals.
DESIREABLE QUALIFICATION: Experience in synthesis and characterization of smart materials and metabolites as evidenced by publications in SCI journals.
Job Requirement: To synthesize and characterize metabolites, smart materials including nanomaterials.

Post 2:2 (Code-F) IN SILICO TOXICOLOGY (01 Post)
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. in Chemistry with four years research experience in QSAR or other computational and molecular modeling methods.
DESIREABLE QUALIFICATION: Experience in modeling and prediction and mechanism of toxicity of chemicals as evidenced by publications in SCI journals.
Job Requirement: To interact with scientists for the development of models for predicting toxicity of drugs, chemicals and novel materials (such as genetically modified products and engineered nanomaterials).

Post 1:2 (Code-G) MEDICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY (01 Post)
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: M.D. ( SPM/Community Medicine/Epidemiology/Occupational Medicine) with five years experience or Ph.D. in Epidemiology/Public Health with four years experience.
DESIREABLE QUALIFICATION: Demonstration ability in use of epidemiological approaches as evidenced by publications in SCI journals. Experience of investigating environment and work related exposure to toxicants and its health impacts in population groups. Familiarity with recent tools in toxicological studies and ability to use them for epidemiological risk
assessment will be given preference.
Job Requirement: The selected candidate is expected to undertake epidemiological studies for studying the health impact of environmental and industrial toxicants using conservative as well as modern toxicological tools for suggesting remedial and preventive strategies.

Scale of Pay; Rs. 37400-67000/-; Grade Pay Rs.8700/- (PB-4)
Age: Not more than 45 years
Post 3:1 (Code-H) REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY (01 Post)
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: M.D. /M.V.Sc. with eight years experience or Ph.D in Toxicology/ Pathology/Pharmacologyl/Life Sciences with seven years experience in relevant area.
DESIREABLE QUALIFICATION: Expert knowledge in planning, conducting and reporting toxicological studies as evidenced by publications in SCI journals
and professional certification; demonstrated skill to manage and guide a multi-disciplinary R&D team to address toxicity/safety concerns on diverse molecules and products through application of new knowledge and innovative solutions; proficiency in implementation of Quality Systems like GLP,ISO 17025, proficiency in regulatory test guidelines like OECD, Schedule-Y, CIB, FDA,EPA etc.
Job Requirement: To establish and operate an R&D facility capable of conducting a complete range of non-clinical safety/toxicity studies for regulatory submission, using in-vivo and in-vitro systems for systemic toxicity, target organ/system specific toxicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, toxicokinetics and ecotoxicology in compliance to GLP/ISO 17025 and international test guidelines for mutual acceptance of data by regulatory agencies in India and abroad.

1. These posts carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport allowance (TA) etc., as admissible to the Central Government employees stationed in Lucknow and as made applicable to CSIR. Council accommodation will be allotted as per priority to
be reckoned from the date of joining/availability, in which case HRA will not be admissible.
2. All Scientists are eligible for Professional Update Allowance i.e Rs.10,000 per annum for Scientists in PB-3 and Rs. 20,000 per annum to Scientists in PB-4.
3. All Scientists in Group IV (2) and above will be entitled to two additional increments (without DA).
4. In addition to the emoluments indicated against each category of posts benefits such as Provident Fund, reimbursement of medical expenses, leave travel concession, Conveyance Advance and House Building Advance are available as per rules of CSIR.
5. The selected candidates will be governed by the provisions of the New Pension Scheme as introduced by the GOI and as adopted by CSIR.
6. A Scientist can augment his Income with earnings by way of honorarium/intellectual fees from consultancy/technical services and R&D sponsored project (s) undertaken by the Institute.
7. Promotional Prospects: CSIR/IITR offer excellent opportunities for career advancement under Flexible Complementing Scheme.
8. For Medical Post Graduates NPA as per rules will be applied.

1. Age limit: The age should not exceed the limit prescribed for each category of post as on 16.3.2011 i.e. the closing date of receipt of the applications. Relaxation of upper age limit for physically handicapped and Ex-servicemen as per rules.
2. Age relaxation of 5 years is permissible for those working in CSIR /Govt./Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking.
3. Relaxation of 5 years will also be permissible to those who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period from 1.1.1980 to 31.12.1989 subject to production of relevant certificate from concerned authority.
4. Relaxation of experience in the case of meritorious candidates with proven academic track record may be permitted by the competent authority at any stage of selection.

1. Total emoluments payable will be at the minimum of the scale of pay inclusive of al allowances.
2. The qualifications prescribed should have been obtained through recognized Universities/ Institutions.
3. The number of vacancies under each code is provisional and may vary.
4. The candidate should clearly indicate in the application the post no. and the area of post under which he/she should be considered.
5. Candidates applying for more than one post should submit separate application form for each post indicating the Code No. of the post and should be accompanied by separate Demand Draft(s).
6. The period of experience in a discipline/area of work, wherever prescribed, shall be counted after the date of acquiring the minimum prescribed educational qualification prescribed for that Group/Grade.
7. Applications from candidates working in Government Departments, autonomous bodies, Public Sector Undertakings and Government Funded Research Agencies will be considered only if forwarded through proper channel and with a clear certificate that there is no vigilance case pending/being contemplated against him/her and that the applicant will be relieved of his/her duties within one month of receipt of appointment order, if selected for the post applied for. However, advance copy of the application along with the requisite fee may be submitted before the closing
8. Applications received complete in all respects will be scrutinized by a duly constituted Screening Committee. Only those candidates who are recommended by the Screening committee will be called for interview.
9. Mere fulfilling minimum prescribed qualifications(s) and experience will not vest any right in a candidate for being called for interview. Since it may not be possible to call all the candidates for interview, the applications will be short listed for purpose on the basis of qualifications and experience, by a duly constituted Screening Committee. The candidates should, therefore, mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum requirements prescribed. Such detail should be full and accurate. The criteria adopted by the Screening Committee and approved by the competent authority shall be final and binding on the candidates.
10. The decision of the IITR/CSIR in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, and conduct of interview will be final and binding on the candidates. The Institute will not entertain any enquiries/correspondence in this regard from any individual or
agency on his/her behalf.
11. IITR reserves the right not to fill up any or all the posts.
12. Applicants must disclose as to whether any of their blood or close relatives is working in IITR/CSIR or in any other National Laboratories/Institutes of CSIR in the application form at appropriate place.
13. Higher initial pay could be considered for exceptionally meritorious candidates.
14. An application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) (No application fee for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates, overseas candidates of Indian origin and regular employees of
CSIR) is payable separately for each post which should be ONLY in the form of crossed DD payable at Lucknow (valid for a period of at least six months from closing date of receipt of applications) drawn in favour of the Director, Indian Institute of Toxicology Research and payable at Lucknow duly enclosed along with the application should reach the Administrative Officer, Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, M.G. Marg, Lucknow on or before 16.03.2011
15. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will NOT be refunded on any count nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection process.
16. Outstation candidates called for interview will be paid to and fro single second class rail fare/ordinary bus fare from the normal place of their residence or that declared in the application or from the actual place of undertaking the journey, in India whichever is nearer to to place of Interview, as per rules.
17. Candidates of Indian origin settled abroad who are of proven merit as evidence by their qualification; research work and experience may be considered by the Selection Committee in Absentia.
18. Details of short listed candidates to be called for interview will be displayed in the IITR website, on finalization.
19. Incomplete application in any respect i.e. not in the prescribed form of IITR, not filled up properly, without Demand Draft for application fee, photograph, signature and without enclosures(i.e. attested copies of certificates/mark-sheets of educational qualifications, date of birth, experience, caste/community, etc.) or incomplete in any manner and applications received after the last date will summarily be rejected.
20. Enclosures received separately subsequent to the receipt of the application will not be entertained.
21. Other things being equal consideration would be given to candidates with proven excellence in sports
22. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
24. HOW TO APPLY: Candidates should apply on the prescribed format which can be down loaded from the IITR website Prescribed application forms duly signed along with recent passport size photograph, copy of matriculation/SSLC as proof of age/degree/provisional degree certificate copies of mark sheets for all the semesters/years, work experience certificates, testimonials etc. should be sent in a sealed cover super scribed “Application for the post of Scientist Post code and the area of the post” to the Director, Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, M.G.Marg, Post Bag No. 80, Lucknow-226001 on or before 16.3.2011.

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