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Vacancy for the post of Director at The All India Institute of Ayuveda

Clinical research courses

The All India Institute of Ayuveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi, is a newly established Institute for undertaking multi-disciplinary research and teaching in related subjects for standardization, quality control and scientific validation of Ayurveda drugs and therapies.
The Institute is headed by a Director, the post of which carries the pay scale of Rs.37400-67000- NPA (PB- 4 Grade Pay Rs. 12000) plus allowances like H.R.A., T.A. etc as admissible.
Applications are invited from Indian citizens for appointment to the post by the method of direct recruitment failing which by deputation for a period of three years extendable by another three years amongst officers of the Central Govt./State Govt./Autonomous Research Organization having essential qualification as prescribed for direct recruitment, as per the recommendations of the Search-cum-Selection Committee, from candidates possessing the following qualifications :-

Post: Director

Essential qualifications:-
1. MD in Ayurveda or Pharmacology with consistent excellent academic records.
2. 20 years standing in the profession as a teacher / researcher in a renowned institution after obtaining MD degree.
3. Evidence of extensive published research work in Ayurveda / inter-disciplinary research work in drugs and drugless therapies of India System of Medicine in reputed peer reviewed national and international research journals.

Desirable qualifications:-
1. Ph.D in Ayurveda/Pharmacology/Allied Sciences.
2. Experience of leading inter-disciplinary team of researchers.
3. Experience as a Director or head of the Department of a renowned Ayurveda/ Medical institution engaged in post-graduate education and research.

Upper age Limit:-
Not more than 50 years as on last date of receipt of application, relaxable for Government servants and specially qualified candidates.

Tenure of service:-
In case of appointment by direct recruitment, the Director shall hold office for a term of 5 years from the date on which he enters office or until he attains the age of sixty years, whichever is earlier.
Probation in case of direct recruitment - 1 year Instructions:-
1. Eligible candidates may apply for the post in the prescribed proforma along with photocopies of all relevant documents through proper channel. The applications may be sent to Shri. P.KJha, Director, Department of AYUSH, IRCS Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001. No advance application shall be entertained.
2. While forwarding the application, the sponsoring authority may ensure that the particulars of the candidate are verified and that he/she fulfills the eligibility conditions, along with a certificate to the effect that the officer is free from the vigilance angle and no disciplinary proceeding is pending or contemplated against the applicant.
3. Complete ACR dossier/APAR's of last five years of the applicant must be enclosed with the application.
4. The candidate once selected will not be allowed to withdraw.
5. The last date for receipt of applications will be 30 days from the date of issue of advertisement. Application received late or incomplete shall be rejected.
6. The crucial date for determination of eligibility regarding age, experience, etc. shall be the last date for receipt of applications.
7. Applicants will be fully responsible for the accuracy of the information they furnish. Any information furnished by the candidate, if found wrong at any stage, will result is his/her disqualification of the candidature and /or dismissal from the service at any stage.
8. The appointment conditions will be as per prevailing DOPT's instructions.



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