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Multiple Vacancies for Pharmacist in Aligarh Muslim University | 3 - Posts

Clinical research courses

Applications  on  the  prescribed  form  are  invited  for   the following posts by 20.01.2011

The  number  and  nature of the posts may vary  at  the  time  of interview.  Higher  initial  start  may be  given  to  the  candidates possessing  exceptional  qualifications  and  experience.  It  is  not obligatory  on the part of the University to call for interview  every candidate   who   possesses  the  essential  qualifications   and   no representation in this regard will be entertained from any candidate.

Post: Pharmacist, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College Hospital  (1)

Scale/Pay Band: Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs 2800 plus allowances

1. B. Pharma
2. One  year  experience in the relevant field  in  any  reputed Unani Medicine/Institution after obtaining B. Pharma.
1. SSSC/Intermediate (Science)
2. Diploma in Pharmacy of any reputed Institution.
3. Four  years  experience  in the  relevant  field  /job  after   obtaining Diploma.
4. Registration with the Pharmacy Council.

Post: Pharmacists, J.N. Medical College Hospital (2)

Scale/Pay Band: Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs 2800 plus allowances

1. B. Pharma
2. One  year experience in the relevant field after  obtaining B. Pharma.
1. Sr. Secondary School Certificate/Intermediate (Science).
2. Diploma in Pharmacy.
3. Four years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Diploma.

Note : A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55 % to 5% of the marks at  the  Master's  / Graduate level under the term  of  good  Academic reocrd for the  SC/ST / Physically and Visullay Handicapped  candidate for the post of preincipal/ University Librarian/ Deputy Registrar and Asstt Registrar.
Persons  with  disbailiies applying against the reserved  post  should have  not  less  than 40 percent of relevent disability  for  which  a Disability   Certificate   obtained  from  the  Medical   Board   duly constituted by the Central or State government must be enclosed   with   the   employment  form. Such persons who enlose  required  Certificate  with  the application form in the prescribed format shall be  exempted  from payment of application fee prescribed by the University.

Download Application Form

Persons downloading the Form from the Net are required to send a Cash  receipt issued by the Cash Section, Finance  Office,  AMU, Aligarh or Demand draft of Rs. 150/- payable to Finance Officer, AMU,  Aligarh at State Bank of India, AMU Branch, Aligarh  (code 5555) alongwith the duly filled employment  form complete in all respect. Complete application form procured in the above  manner may  either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter  of Administrative  Block or sent by post, superscribing on the  top left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement number and date,  to the Deputy Registrar, (Selection  Committee),  Aligarh Muslim  University,  Aligarh-202002,  so  as  to  reach  him  by  20.01.2011

1. Applications  received  late  or  without necessary supporting documents, Degree/Certificates/  Marksheets and   experience  certificate not attested by the  Head  of  the Department / Institution / Gazetted Officer  or not  accompanied by full prescribed fee shall be rejected summarily.
2.  Those  who have applied earlier  against  the  advertisement NO 1/2009 Dated 08.04.2009 and 2/2008  dated 11.04.2008 for  the posts mentioned at Sr. Nos.1 and 12  need not apply again.  They will  be considered on the basis of their previous  applications if found eligible. However additional information if any may  be sent by the above dead line.
3.  The eligibility of candidates will be determined as  on  the last date of submission of employment forms.
Abbreviations   used   for  the  post  reserved   for   visually handicapped person.
VH=Visullay Handicapped
OH=Orthopaediatic Handicapped
HH=Hearing handicapped
OL=One Leg
OA=One Arm

ALIGARH   (U.P.)            
Advertisement No. 4 / 2010        
Ad Dated : 07.12.2010
Last Date: 20.01.2010

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