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Opportunity in IIT - Roorkee for the post of Research Associate

Clinical research courses


Applications on the plain paper, giving full details of educational qualifications, marks obtained and experience etc. are invited from Indian Nationals for a temporary position as per details given below under a project funded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govi of India, entitled "Organotins and phthalalates: An in vivo and in vitro approach to understand their mechanism of actions as endocrine disruptor causing reproductive and metabolic disorders'" under Dr. Partha Roy, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, for a period up to three years:

Name of Position: Research Associate

Fellowship: A consolidated amount of Rs. 16000/- p.m.
Essential qualification: Doctorate (PhD) or equivalent degree in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Life Sciences/ Pharmacology/ Zoology or having 3 years of research experience after MVSc/ MPharm/ ME/ MTech as evidenced by published papers in SCI journals.

Desirable Qualification:   Candidates having experience in animal cell culture and molecular biology will be preferred.
Age limit: 35 years [Relaxable up to 5 years in the case of SC/ST/OBC/women candidates ]

Application complete in all respects accompanied by attested copies of Degree/marks sheets and testimonials along with a demand draft of Rs.25.00 as an application fee in favour of Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee drawn on SBI, IIT Roorkee Branch code no. 1069 or PNB, NT Branch code no.4044, should reach the office of the undersigned latest by August 16, 2010 Application received late or incomplete will not be entertained in any case.

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