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Walk in for the posts of Project Assistant Level III & Project Assistant Level II in National Botanical Research Institute

Clinical research courses

NBRI is a premier plant based multidisciplinary, state-of-art national R&D Centre of CSIR undertaking research from classical taxonomy to cutting edge areas of modern biology-including both applied and basic research in the fields of biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, conservation biology, cytogenetics, environmental sciences, ethnopharmacology, floriculture, microbiology, molecular biology and genetic engineering, pharmacognosy, pharmacy, physiology, phytochemistry, plant biodiversity,  plant breeding, taxonomy and tree biology, for the conservation and sustainable utilization of the non crop plant genetic resources of the country.

Post: Project Assistant Level III & Project Assistant Level II

Area II: Pharmacognosy

I. (A) Project Assistant Level III (ICAR -R.A.)
Essential Qualification: Ist Class M.Sc. in Botany with two years research experience .
Desirable: Experience  in Collection of Medicinal plants.

(B) Project Assistant Level III (ICAR -R.A.)
Essential Qualifications: 1st Class M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry with 2 years research experience in Natural Product Chemistry/M.Pharma in Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/ Pharmacognosy/ Medicinal Chemistry.
Desirable: Knowledge in HPTLC/HPLC/GLC.

2.(A) Project Assistant Level II (ICAR-SRF)
Essential Qualifications: 1st Class M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry/M.Pharma in Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/Pharmacognosy/Medicinal Chemistry.
Desirable: Knowledge of medicinal plants.

(B) Project Assistant Level II
Essential Qualifications: 1st class M.Sc. in Botany/Organic Chemistry/M.Pharma in Pharmacognosy/ Pharmaceutical chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry
Desirable: Knowledge/ Collection of medicinal plants or collection of medicinal plants.

For Project Assistant Level III Rs.14000/ - p.m. / Rs.14000/-p.m.. (ICAR-RA) (Consolidated)
For Project Assistant Level II Rs.8000/-p.m./Rs. 10000/- p.m. /Rs.12000/-p.m./ Rs.16000/-p.m..(Consolidated)

Date and Venue of Interview
For Area II on 26.04.2011  at 11:00 AM in the Conference Room, (Genetic Block) NBRI, Lucknow

a) Upper age limit not exceeding 32 year for Project Assistant Level III (35 years for ICAR RA) & 28 years for JRF/Project Assistant Level II /ICAR-SRF as on the date of interview. Age relaxation for SC/ST candidates 05 years and OBC candidates 03 years as per Government of India instructions.
b) The Application form will be provided at the venue on the date. However, candidates may download the application form in advance from the website At the time of interview candidates should bring one latest photograph, attested copy of certificates of examinations passed (starting from matriculation), certificate indicating date of birth, caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC) and experience certificate, etc. Tentative mark sheets/certificates and 'result awaited' will not be considered. All eligible candidates are requested to be present at the venue on the said date 30 minutes before the scheduled time for necessary formalities.
c) Mode of Selection: Through Interview. However, if large number of candidates turn up, a Screening test comprising of multiple choice objective questions will be held for short listing the candidates for interview. The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Committee and, based on the performance in the interview, a panel of recommended candidates will be formed. The panel shall be utilized as and when the requirement arises in the projects in the relevant field/area. Candidates have the option to interact in Hindi/English before the committee.
d) The positions are purely temporary on contract basis and co- terminus with the sponsored projects. Further the above stipend(s) is tentative and the same will be finally decided based on the availability of funds in the relevant sponsored projects.
e) To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfill the eligibility criteria and possess the degree/mark sheet in the aforesaid subjects should turn up for floating interview
No TA/DA will be admissible.

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