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National Seminar On Herbal Drug Scene Prospects & Challenges Dated: 9/10/2013 t0 10/10/2013 Organized by Bhagyoday Tirth

Clinical research courses

Submitted by admin on 18 September 2013
About the Institute
To fulfill the ever increasing demand of technical and  skilled personnel in growing Pharmaceutical sector, the Trust instituted  Bhagyoday Tirth Pharmacy College in year 2007-08.The college provides four year integrated technical course leading to award of B.Pharm degree. The college is duly approved by All India Council of Technical Education, Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi and affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal. The college is also running two year Master course (M. Pharm) duly approved by previous mentioned bodies.

About Bhagyoday Tirth Charitable Trust
Bhagyoday Tirth Charitable Trust was established in                                            1993, under the pious direction and blessing of Param   Pujya Acharya Shri 108 Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj. Since the inception, the Trust is nurtured by the sacred heart of Acharya Shri to fulfill the objective of serving the diseased mankind. The Bhagyoday Tirth Charitable Hospital is providing state of the art Medical facilities to economically weaker section of the Society through last 12 Years. The Trust also started Naturopathy and Ayurvedic department to develop and nourish the Indian system of Medicine and to provide the cost effective alternate to the diseased mankind, Trust is recognized for its value driven services to economically and socially backward area of the State, the Bundelkhand region.
About Sagar
The district of Sagar lies in the North Central Region of Madhya Pradesh. It was spelled as Saugar during the British period.. The origin of the name comes from the Hindi word SAGAR meaning lake or sea, apparently because of the large and once beautiful lake around which the town of Sagar has been built. It is known all over India due to Dr. Harisingh Gaur University and Army Cantonment. Recently it has come into lime light   due to Bhagyodyay Tirth a charitable hospital named by a Jain Sant Shri VidyaSagarji Maharaj.
About Seminar
In last few decades, an exponential growth has been observed in the field of alternative medicine. The benefit of herbs as alternative and complementary to modern system of medicines are being realized and products emerging from modern research providing the heath benefit of herbs are finding place as nutraceutical. The scope of developing the herbs derived from cultural medicine is ever increasing because of their roots in ancient’s science and philosophy. There is wide scope of bringing the herbs on nutraceutical platform provided they are standardized for their quality, safety and efficacy. The seminar intends to provide a platform to discuss all these issue of herbal medicine. 
This Seminar will be addressed by renowned speakers from different streams of pharma field like academics, industry, marketing, R & D, PMT,clinical trials etc.
Call for Poster and oral presentation
All interested individuals are hereby requested to submit abstract of poster or paper (250-300 words) to, on or before 25th September 2013. Abstract should be submitted in MS word format typed in Times New Roman (12 font Size) with capital and bold face Title and Headings.
For details please contact
Mr. Sourabh Jain: 9827276521, 9893597696
Dr. Ankur Vaidya:
Address: Bhagyoday Tirth Pharmacy College
Khurai Road, Sagar,,