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Conference on “Drug Discovery from Natural Products” supported by ICMR at RPCP-CHARUSAT, Changa on 8th & 9th January 2013

Clinical research courses

Submitted by admin on 22 December 2012


Dear All,

Two day Conference on “Drug Discovery from Natural Products” supported by Indian council of Medical research (ICMR) will be organized by Ramanbhai Patel College of Pharmacy on 8th and 9th January 2013. This Conference will facilitate the understanding of Drug discovery Process fromNatural sources which play a crucial role in Pharma - R & D sector. Natural Products are considered as rich source of the novel leads in drug discovery due to great chemical diversity of chemical constituents, India having tropical forests with large biodiversity of Natural Products and sound traditional knowledge of utilization of these Natural Products as Drugs make it ideal region for studies on Natural Products with efforts on isolation of Bioactive Compounds to be used in future as leads in Drugs Discovery Process.

The theme of conference and focused area are:

·  Discovery of Immunomodulators from Natural Products and their Evaluations

·  Current status of antidiabetic research from natural products

·  Spermatogenic and aphrodisiac agents from plant sources

·  Advanced chromatographic methods for separation of bioactive compounds    from natural products

Kindly find the link for downloading the brochure and registration form for the conference.

The filled registration form along with DD/cheque should reach on or before 1st January, 2013 by post/courier and Abstract for Poster presentation should be reach to us on or before 25th December 2012 (extended date). Please refer to attached brochure for detailed information.

For any information on conference, email at or contact on  M-9913169192.

 Thanks & Regards,
