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allergens and their treatment

Clinical research courses

Submitted by admin on 30 March 2014

allergens:the substance that are capable of inducing an allergig reaction /response known as allergens.

the allergic response is observed by the hypersensitivity of body cells to various type of reactions.

genarally every living organism can produce an immune response protect body from disease.

during protection asystem is developed by which many mechanisms are evolved which increase efficacy of recognition and elimination of foreign proteins (antigens).

the development of immunoglobins is related to hypersensitivity.

this may cause hay fever,asthma,anaphylatic shock.

the antibody is formed due to the contact of allergen locally within plasma cells embedded in mucosa of target areas of nasopharynx ,gastrointestinal tract,respiratory tracts.

theallergen diffuses inti tissue fluid ,and the antibody attaches to basophils and platlets . then the allergen binds to this cell bound region .

The attachment triggers release of histamine,kinin,serotonin,vasoactive substances.

now allergic symptom in form of bronchospasm ,vasodilation and increase nasal secreation produced.


the wind borne inciting allergens are known as aeroallerogens.

producer allergic rhinititis bronchial asthma etc.


the seeds of ammi visnaga yield a new compound called cromolyn sodium .

this compound is believe to affect release of vasoactive substance and act to prevent the asthama.

the lives of tylophora indica is claimed to relieve moderate to complete action of nasobronchial allergic symptoms.

there are drugs to control aasthematic attak :

epinephrine and its congeners.

methylxanthines administered intraveniously  for chronic asthama  ,steroids for severe and intractable states.


plants causing allergy:


aceraceae        _ acer

arecaceae   -      phoenix

brassicaceae-    sinapsis

cyperaceae-        carex

fabaceae-            acacia

fagaceae -           quercus

moraceae   -         morus

polygoniceae ----     rheum, rumex

typhaceae-------        typha

urticaceae ------       urtica


thuja, pinus, juniperur, ginko.




rhizopus, puccinia, candida, alternaria, phoma.

irritent allergens plants:

araceae --------   alocasia,arum, colocasia.

brassicaceae--------- brassica.

fabaceae ------------   acacia,mucuna

liliaceae --------------    alium

poaceae ------------       bambusa

sterculiaceae ---------- sterculia

solanaceae --------------     capscicum

photosyntesising allergen plant:

apiaceae --------  ammi majus

moraceae ---------  ficus carica

rosaceae -----------  argimonia eupatoria

skin allergen of plant origin:

name                           active principles                     chemical nature

apium species

apiaceae                       limnonene                                  terprnes



elettaria cardamomum         borneal                                    alcohol


rosa                                     citral                                        aldehyde