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JUNE - 2016 (Vol-4; Issue-6)

JUNE- 2016 (Vol-4, Issue-6) DOWNLOAD LINK
Regulatory Canvas of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Challenges and Future PDF
Extraction and Purification of Nucleic Acid using CBNP & PCIA Technique PDF
Review: Combined Candesartan Cilexetil and Pioglitazone Hydrochloride therapy in Metabolic Syndrome PDF
Chromatography based Chemometric Fingerprinting, Isolation, & Quality Control of Phytochemicals PDF
Formulation and evaluation of Orodispersible tablets to enhance dissolution rate of Lamotrigine by using Solid Dispersion Technique PDF




MAY - 2016 (Vol-4; Issue-5)

MAY- 2016 (Vol-4, Issue-5) DOWNLOAD LINK
Biotechnological/Biological Products: About Its Stability Testing PDF
Data Integrity and Worldwide Regulatory Guidance PDF
A Review on: Preservatives used in Pharmaceuticals and impacts on Health PDF
A Short Review on Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) PDF
Pharmacology of Combined Mesalzine and Rifaximin Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Disease PDF
RP-HPLC method development and validation for Quantification of Mebendazole in API and Pharmaceutical Formulations PDF




APRIL - 2016 (Vol-4; Issue-4)

April - 2016 (Vol-4, Issue-4) DOWNLOAD LINK
DTK of Medicines from Bio-piracy: Its conscientiousness by TKDL of India PDF
Review study on factors affecting the prescription pattern of Physicians PDF
A Review on: Physicochemical evaluation of ayurvedic mineral drug Tankan Bhasma PDF
A Review on Analytical Methods for Ranolazine determination in synthetic mixture PDF
Pharmacology of Combined Ranolazine and Amiodarone Hydrohloride therapy to treat Atrial Fibrillation PDF
Activities of aqueous extracts of Mangifera Indica on Parasitaemia level and blood profile of Plasmodium Berghei - infected Albino Mice PDF
Zero order and First order derivative spectroscopic method for simultaneous estimation of Moxifloxacin hydrochloride and Ketorolac tromethamine in simulated tear fluid PDF




MARCH - 2016 (Vol-4; Issue-3)

MARCH - 2016 (Vol-4, Issue-3) DOWNLOAD LINK
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry - A plethora of Sustainable Growth Opportunities for pharma business aspirants PDF
Difference spectrophotometric estimation of Capecitabine from tablet dosage form PDF
Effects of Garlic extracts on the myocardium of left ventricle of the heart of high salt fed adult wistar rats PDF
Determination of Antibacterial, Antifungal and Cytotoxic activities of n-Hexane, Chloroform and Ethyl Acetate extracts of Momordica charantia leaves PDF
Commonly used Medicinal Plants in Tehsil Pachhad, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh PDF




FEBRUARY - 2016 (Vol-4; Issue-2)

FEBRUARY - 2016 (Vol-4, Issue-2) DOWNLOAD LINK
Regulatory requirements and registration process of Generic Drugs in China PDF
Therapeutic potential of Triticumaestivum Linn. (Wheat Grass or Green Blood Therapy) in the treatment and prevention of Chronic and Acute Diseases: An Overview PDF
An overview on Niosomes - A novel vesicular approach for Ophthalmic Drug Delivery PDF
Effect of pulsatilla on polycystic ovarian syndrome and its associated cancer PDF
Biodegradability and waste management of Jaipur Foot PDF
Study on Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis) to evaluate Antibacterial and Antioxidant activities of n-hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts PDF




JANUARY - 2016 (Vol-4; Issue-1)

JANUARY - 2016 (Vol-4, Issue-1) DOWNLOAD LINK
A Review and Application of Cryoprotectant: The Science of Cryonics PDF
Gabapentin: A new broad spectrum Antiepileptic Drug PDF
Diagnosis of granular cell tumour of the upper lip using polymer HRP detection system PDF
Formulation and evaluation of Gastroretentive hydrochlorothiazide Floating Microspheres: Statistical Analysis PDF
Antibacterial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic activities of Trewia nudiflora PDF
Antibacterial, Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activities of n-Hexane, Chloroform and Ethyl Acetate extracts of Trichosanthes cucumerina leaves PDF
Evaluation of effects of Commiphora Wightii in Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in Rats PDF




DECEMBER - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-12)

DECEMBER - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-12) DOWNLOAD PDF
Bio-Markers and Bio-Sensors: Unravelling the Major Mechanistic Interventions in Cancer Prognosis PDF
Quality by Design PDF
A rare case report on Tuberous Sclerosis PDF
Review: Tinospora cordifolia in the Treatment of Depression PDF
Formulation development and evaluation of delayed release enteric coated Paracetamol tablets PDF
Study of Effect of supplementation of Zingiber Officinale on pharmacokinetic profile of Sitagliptin phosphate on Streptozotocin induced type II DM Rat Model PDF




NOVEMBER - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-11)

NOVEMBER - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-11) DOWNLOAD PDF
Pharmacotherapy considerations in Palliative Care – A Review PDF
RNA Interference-weapon against cancer PDF
Tailor-made Medicine: A step towards future of Diagnostics and Therapeutics PDF
Impurity profiling an emerging trend in Pharmaceuticals: A Review PDF
Tomato Cuisines: A delectable rejoinder to threat of chronic ailments? PDF
Biological Functions of Vitamin B complex and effects on human health in both excess and deficiency levels PDF
Formulation development and In-Vitro evaluation of floating tablets of Cefixime PDF




OCTOBER - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-10)

OCTOBER - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-10) DOWNLOAD LINK
Spurious Drugs / Counterfeit Drugs - An Overview PDF
Soft Gelatin Capsules PDF
MBA Pharmaceutical Management- Opening New Frontiers for a Vibrant Career in Pharmaceutical Industry PDF
Medicinal Efficacy of Rose Plant: A Mini Review PDF
A Review on Acridone Derivatives and its Importance PDF
Thin Layer Chromatographic study of three different extract of Calendula Officinalis leaves PDF




SEPTEMBER - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-9)

SEPTEMBER - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-9) DOWNLOAD LINK
Bioanalytical Techniques – An Overview PDF
Combating HIV & AIDS – A Review on Drug Side-Effect Profile PDF
Bionanoparticles: A Green Nanochemical Approach PDF
A Review: Anti-Diabetic Activity of Herbal Drugs PDF
Review on: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) PDF
A Simple spectrophotometric estimation of ceftriaxone sodium in bulk and sterile formulation PDF
Formulation and product development of pressurised metered dose inhaler: An overview PDF




AUGUST - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-8)

AUGUST - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-8) DOWNLOAD LINK
An Insight on Nutraceuticals PDF
Medical uses of Radiopharmaceuticals PDF
Nanoparticle (NP) as a Targeting Drug Delivery System to Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB): A Review PDF
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus: An Emerging Infection PDF
Estimation of Ondansetron Hydrochloride in Bulk and Formulation by Second Order Derivative Area Under Curve UV-Spectrophotometric Methods PDF




JULY - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-7)

JULY - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-7) DOWNLOAD LINK
Antibiotic Poisoning and Food Poisoning through Chicken PDF
Breakthroughs in Epigenetics PDF
A Review Article: Proniosomes PDF
A Study on Drug Utilization Pattern and Effectiveness of Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Diabetes Mellitus PDF
Simultaneous determination of Itopride Hydrochloride and Lansoprazole in Synthetic Mixture using Spectrophotometric technique (First order Derivative Method) PDF
Development and Validation of Analytical Methods for Simultaneous Estimation of Amitriptyline Hydrochloride and Methylcobalamin in their Tablet Dosage Form by Uv Spectrophotometric Method PDF
Difference Spectroscopic Method for the Estimation of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in Bulk and in its Formulation PDF




JUNE - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-6)

JUNE - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-6) DOWNLOAD LINK
An Updated & Modern Concept of Validation PDF
Fluoride Adulteration in Dental Products PDF
2D QSAR study on Saponins of Pulsatilla koreana as an Anticancer agent PDF
In vitro Membrane Stabilizing and Insecticidal Activities of Methanolic Extract of Streblus asper Lour PDF
Absorbance correction method for simultaneous estimation of Amlodipine besylate and Simvastatin in synthetic mixture PDF
Development and Validation of Analytical Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Lamotrigine and Clozapine in Synthetic Mixture by Absorbance Correction Method PDF
Zero Order and Area under Curve Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Fluoxetine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical Formulation PDF




MAY - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-5)

MAY - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-5) DOWNLOAD LINK
An overview on Benzothiazinone analogs as Antitubercular Drugs PDF
Anticonvulsant Effect of Leaf and Bark of Erythrina Variegata Linn and Butea Monosperma (LAM) Taub in different Experimental Convulsion Model in Rats PDF
Bioequivalence and Pharmacokinetic Study of Ranazoline in Healthy Male Volunteers: An Open label, Randomized, Single-Dose, Two-Way Crossover Study PDF
Dissolution Method Devolopment of Fluconazole in Fluconazole Tablets Dossage Form PDF
Enhancement of solubility and dissolution rate of Simvastatin by Ternary Solid Dispersion Technique PDF
Formulation and Evaluation of Dry Syrup Containing Linezolid PDF
Formulation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Antiemetic Orodispersible Combination Tablets of Domperidone and Cinnerizine by using various Superdisintegrants PDF




APRIL - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-4)

APRIL - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-4) DOWNLOAD LINK
Pharmacy: Boon or Bane PDF
Resources, Guidance, Control and Prevention for Ebola Virus Disease- An Overview PDF
Development and Validation of UV Spectrophotometric Estimation of Diclofenac Sodium Bulk and Tablet Dosage form using Area under Curve Method PDF
Evaluation of adaptogenic activity of various extracts of Breynia Vitis-idaea (burm.f) C. Fisher leaves by using swim endurance test PDF
Molecular Modeling Studied for Inhibition of Calcium Channel Receptor: A Strategy for the development of new Antiepileptic Drug PDF
Study of Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic activities of Vigna Mungo Linn. Hepper (Family-Leguminosae) PDF
Plant Species used by locals as Ethano - Medicine in Gohar Tehsil, Distt. Mandi Region of North Western Himalaya PDF
Prescribing Trend of Antihypertensive Drugs in Sri Ganganagar District: A Retrospective Study PDF




MARCH - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-3)

MARCH - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-3) DOWNLOAD LINK
Wonders of Immune System: Spontaneous Regression of Cancers PDF
Childhood Obesity: Reason behind this health crisis PDF
Chronopharmacotherapy of Hypertension: Time-dependent effects of treatment on blood pressure PDF
Systematic Approach for Complaint Handling in Pharmaceutical Industries- An Updated Review PDF
Clinical Pharmacy in India: Recent Advances and Perspective PDF
A Review on Dyslexia PDF
Risk Assessment of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in patient on antihypertensive medication PDF




FEBRUARY - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-2)

FEBRUARY - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-2) DOWNLOAD LINK
A Review on Role of Laser Photocoagulation Therapy in Diabetic Retinopathy PDF
Review: Plagiarism an Act of Unethics PDF
A Review on Parkinson’s Disease: Its Pathophysiology, Treatment and Surgery PDF
A Case Study on Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome- Leading to Acute Renal Failure PDF
Targeted Drug Delivery Systems for Lung Cancer PDF
Need and Application of Analytical Method Development on New Fixed Dose Combination of Irbesartan and Atorvastatin in Pharmaceutical Industry PDF
Simultaneous Estimation of Linezolid and Cefixime in their Combined Dosage Form PDF
Difference Spectroscopic Method for the Estimation of Acebutolol Hydrochloride in Bulk and In its Formulation PDF
Molecular Docking Studies of N-(2-Benzoylphenyl)-L-Tyrosine Derivatives with Anti-Diabetic Activity of Type 2 Diabetes PDF




JANUARY - 2015 (Vol-3; Issue-1)

JANUARY - 2015 (Vol-3, Issue-1) DOWNLOAD LINK
Biosimilars: Scale up from R&D to Commercial Stage PDF
Deadly but Curable: A Review on Potential Treatments for Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever PDF
Role of BCG in Treatment of Bladder Cancer PDF
A Review on Different Types of Ichthyosis and Management PDF
Method Validation of Analytical Procedures PDF
Analytical Method Development and Validation for Simultaneous Estimation of Tolperisone Hydrochloride and Diclofenac Sodium in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulation PDF
Development, Characterisation and Invitro Evaluation of Buccoadhesive Bilayered Tablets for the Treatment of Hypertension PDF