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Virosomes as Novel drug delivery System: An Overview

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PharmaTutor (September - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 9)


Received On: 30/06/2017; Accepted On: 20/07/2017; Published On: 01/09/2017


Narinder Singh*, Surya Prakash Gautam, Neelam Kumari, Rupinder Kaur, Manpreet Kaur
CT Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Shahpur, Jalandhar, Punjab



Virosomes are reconstituted viral envelopes that can fill in as vaccines and as vehicles for cell conveyance of different macromolecules. The prospect of drug delivery and targeting systems utilizing virosomes is an intriguing innovative work field. Since virosomes are biocompatible, biodegradable, non-poisonous and non-autoimmunogenuic; endeavors have been made to use them as antibodies or adjuvants and also conveyance frameworks for drugs and organic for remedial purposes. The achievement of virosomal medicate conveyance relies on upon strategy used to set up the typified bioactive materials and fuse them into the virosomes. Virosome innovation could conceivably be utilized to convey peptides, nucleic acids or, then again qualities and medications like anti-toxins, anticancer agents, and steroids.



How to cite this article: Singh N, Gautam SP, Kumari N, Kaur R, Kaur M;Virosomes as Novel drug delivery System: An Overview; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(9);47-55



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