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Clinical Pharmacist specialized care in Management of Congestive Heart Failure - A Brief Review

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PharmaTutor (September - 2017)


ISSN: 2347 - 7881
(Volume 5, Issue 9)


Received On: 04/05/2017; Accepted On: 19/05/2017; Published On: 01/09/2017


M.S.Umashankar*, K.S.Lakshmi, A.Bharath Kumar, A.Porselvi
SRM College of Pharmacy,
SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India



It is a critical clinical condition in which more abnormalities in cardiac structure and its functions may impact the ineffectiveness of the heart to supply required oxygen to meet the cellular metabolic demands of the body. Heart is covered with protective layers and express the various functions in the body. Clinically cardiac disease prevalence rises with individual age. Cardiac dysfunction happens because of changes in blood volume, and neurohumoral transmission status. These desirable mechanisms to maintain adequate cardiac output and arterial blood pressure. The neurohumoral responses act as compensatory mechanisms and provokes heart failure by increasing ventricular after load and increasing preload,which further elevates the cardiac failure. Health care system with a clinical pharmacist is well allocated to impact the disease management through identification of risk factors, stage of severity, educating the patients and health care practioners and implementing the awareness programmes, modification of life style interventions with in health care system beneficial to the community may reduce the progression of disease severity.



How to cite this article: Umashankar MS, Lakshmi KS, Kumar AB, Porselvi A;Clinical Pharmacist specialized care in Management of Congestive Heart Failure - A Brief Review; PharmaTutor; 2017; 5(9); 16-22



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